Alternate, recursive definitions of rotate-left.
Here are both tail-recursive and non tail-recursive versions of rotate-left. These rules are disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled when you want to use them.
(defthm rotate-left** (equal (rotate-left x width places) (if (zp places) (loghead width x) (rotate-left-1 (rotate-left x width (- places 1)) width))) :rule-classes ((:definition :clique (rotate-left) :controller-alist ((rotate-left nil nil t)))))
(defthm rotate-left**-tr (equal (rotate-left x width places) (if (zp places) (loghead width x) (rotate-left (rotate-left-1 x width) width (- places 1)))) :rule-classes ((:definition :clique (rotate-left) :controller-alist ((rotate-left nil nil t)))))