Test that a given setting of the don't-care bits of an STV are indeed don't-cares under the given input alist.
(stv-run-for-all-dontcares pstv input-alist &key skip quiet) → out-alist
NOTE: This function is not always executable; read on for details.
This function evaluates an STV under the input alist, like stv-run. However, stv-run effectively binds to X all input and initial state variables not set by the input alist (the don't-cares). Thus, for each output, stv-run produces either
This function instead produces:
This function cannot always be straightforwardly computed: it may sometimes require solving a SAT problem to show that all possible assignments of Boolean values to the don't-care bits produce the same value of the outputs. Rather than calling a SAT solver in the midst of computing this function, we instead compute the result when it is straightforward, and produce an error (by calling a non-executable function) when it isn't.
Even when this function does not execute, it may be possible to prove that its result (say) matches a spec function, by doing the following:
(defun stv-run-for-all-dontcares-fn (pstv input-alist skip quiet) (declare (xargs :guard (processed-stv-p pstv))) (let ((__function__ 'stv-run-for-all-dontcares)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (time$ (b* (((mv sigs out-usersyms) (stv-run-collect-eval-signals pstv skip)) (- (or quiet (cw "STV Raw Inputs: ~x0.~%" input-alist))) (ev-alist (stv-run-make-eval-env pstv input-alist)) ((with-fast ev-alist)) (evaled-out-bits (time$ (make-fast-alist (4v-sexpr-boolconst-eval-alist sigs ev-alist)) :mintime 1/2 :msg "; stv-run out-bits: ~st sec, ~sa bytes.~%")) (- (fast-alist-free ev-alist)) (assembled-outs (time$ (stv-assemble-output-alist evaled-out-bits out-usersyms) :mintime 1/2 :msg "; stv-run outs: ~st sec, ~sa bytes.~%")) (- (fast-alist-free evaled-out-bits)) (- (or quiet (progn$ (cw "~%STV Inputs:~%") (stv-print-alist input-alist) (cw "~%STV Outputs:~%") (stv-print-alist assembled-outs) (cw "~%"))))) assembled-outs) :msg "; stv-run-for-all-dontcares: ~st sec, ~sa bytes.~%" :mintime 1)))
(defthm stv-run-for-all-dontcares-when-independent (implies (stv-run-independent-of-dontcares pstv input-alist skip) (equal (stv-run-for-all-dontcares pstv input-alist :skip skip :quiet quiet) (stv-run-squash-dontcares pstv input-alist :skip skip :quiet quiet))))