Type specifiers can be used in Common Lisp type declarations and the forms, and may result in improved efficiency of execution.
ACL2 permits the use of type declarations in certain contexts; see
declare for background. Here is an example of a type declaration; here
the symbol,
(let ((x (+ a b))) (declare (type integer x)) ;; <-- type declaration (+ 1 x))
A Common Lisp compiler might be able to use the above declaration to
improve the execution efficiency of the resulting code. In particular, the
Common Lisp + operation is rather elaborate: it must be capable of
adding together integers, rationals, floats, etc. When we tell the compiler
that this
Type declarations can be added to functions, let bindings, and
other places as described in declare, and interact with the ACL2's
guard mechanism. For instance, during guard verification, the above
type declaration will result in a guard obligation: we will need to prove that
Whether or not a particular type declaration will actually improve the
efficiency of your functions depends on the Lisp compiler. For instance, many
Lisp compilers will not benefit much from a plain
While type specs may be used in defstobj events, the
The syntax that Common Lisp compilers use for these type
declarations—e.g., the symbol
We use the name type-spec to refer to the supported types that can be mentioned in declarations. For instance:
Declaration | Type-Spec |
The supported type-specs and their meanings (when applied to the variable
type-spec meaning ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (AND type1 ... typek) (AND (p1 X) ... (pk X)) where (pj x) is the meaning for type-spec typej ATOM (ATOM X) BIT (OR (EQUAL X 1) (EQUAL X 0)) CHARACTER (CHARACTERP X) COMPLEX (AND (COMPLEX-RATIONALP X) (RATIONALP (REALPART X)) (RATIONALP (IMAGPART X))) (COMPLEX RATIONAL) same as COMPLEX, above (COMPLEX type) (AND (COMPLEX-RATIONALP X) (p (REALPART X)) (p (IMAGPART X))) where (p x) is the meaning for type-spec type CONS (CONSP X) DOUBLE-FLOAT (DFP X) ; See :DOC df. INTEGER (INTEGERP X) (INTEGER i j) (AND (INTEGERP X) ; See notes below. (<= i X) (<= X j)) (MEMBER x1 ... xn) (MEMBER X '(x1 ... xn)) (MOD i) same as (INTEGER 0 i-1) NIL NIL (NOT type) (NOT (p X)) where (p x) is the meaning for type-spec type NULL (EQ X NIL) NUMBER (ACL2-NUMBERP x) (OR type1 ... typek) (OR (p1 X) ... (pk X)) where (pj x) is the meaning for type-spec typej RATIO (AND (RATIONALP X) (NOT (INTEGERP X))) RATIONAL (RATIONALP X) (RATIONAL i j) (AND (RATIONALP X) ; See notes below. (<= i X) (<= X j)) REAL (RATIONALP X) ; (REALP X) in ACL2(r) (REAL i j) (AND (RATIONALP X) ; See notes below. (<= i X) (<= X j)) (SATISFIES pred) (pred X) ; Lisp requires a unary function, not a macro SIGNED-BYTE (INTEGERP X) (SIGNED-BYTE i) same as (INTEGER k m) where k=-2^(i-1), m=2^(i-1)-1 STANDARD-CHAR (STANDARD-CHARP X) STRING (STRINGP X) (STRING max) (AND (STRINGP X) (EQUAL (LENGTH X) max)) SYMBOL (SYMBOLP X) T T UNSIGNED-BYTE same as (INTEGER 0 *) (UNSIGNED-BYTE i) same as (INTEGER 0 (2^i)-1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------
In general,
(AND (INTEGERP X) (<= i X) (<= X j)).
But if
Common Lisp supports a richer set of type specifiers than ACL2 supports.