Specialized versions of the operations to convert between natural numbers and digits that use unsigned 11-bit bytes as digits, in base 2048.
- Leubyte11s=>nat
- Convert a little-endian list of unsigned 11-bit bytes, seen as digits in base 2048, to their value.
- Beubyte11s=>nat
- Convert a big-endian list of unsigned 11-bit bytes, seen as digits in base 2048, to their value.
- Nat=>leubyte11s
- Convert a natural number to its little-endian list of unsigned 11-bit bytes, seen as digits in base 2048, of specified length.
- Nat=>beubyte11s
- Convert a natural number to its big-endian list of unsigned 11-bit bytes, seen as digits in base 2048, of specified length.
- Nat=>leubyte11s*
- Convert a natural number to its minimum-length little-endian list of unsigned 11-bit bytes, seen as sigits in base 2048.
- Nat=>beubyte11s*
- Convert a natural number to its minimum-length big-endian list of unsigned 11-bit bytes, seen as sigits in base 2048.
- Nat=>leubyte11s+
- Convert a natural number to its non-empty minimum-length little-endian list of unsigned 11-bit bytes, seen as sigits in base 2048.
- Nat=>beubyte11s+
- Convert a natural number to its non-empty minimum-length big-endian list of unsigned 11-bit bytes, seen as sigits in base 2048.
- Bits/ubyte11s-digit-grouping
- Specialized versions of the operations to group and ungroup digitsthat are bits (base 2) and unsigned 11-bit bytes (base 2048).