Combinational type of a logical AIG node.
Recall that a sequential AIG can be viewed as a combinational AIG
by ignoring the distinction between register and primary inputs/outputs.
We can implement the combinational view of AIG nodes by mapping the sequential-type of a node to a combinational type. The valid combinational
type keywords are:
- :const for the special constant node
- :gate for an AND or XOR gate node
- :input for a combinational input (primary input or register output)
- :output for a combinational output (primary input or register input)
- Ctype
- Map a sequential-type keyword to its combinational-type keywords.
- Ctype-equiv
- Equivalence relation for combinational-type keywords.
- Ctype-fix
- Fixing function for combinational-type keywords.
- Ctypep
- Recognizer for valid combinational-type keywords.