Check if the account keys in a tree comply with the BIP 32 wallet structure, for a given account index limit.
This is similar to bip32-compliant-addresses-for-limit-p.
The figure in [BIP32] shows account keys as non-hardned keys,
because there are no
For each account index below the limit, we require not only the account key to be present, but also the chain keys to be compliant to the BIP 32 wallet structure; again, we are defining compliance incrementally.
We allow a gap in the account keys only if the account key is invalid, or any chain key under it is invalid. See the discussion about this in bip32-compliant-chains-p.
(defthm bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p-necc (implies (bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p tree account-index-limit) (implies (ubyte32p account-index) (b* ((root-key (bip32-key-tree->root-key tree)) (path (list account-index))) (cond ((< account-index (expt 2 31)) (not (bip32-path-in-tree-p path tree))) ((< account-index (+ (nfix account-index-limit) (expt 2 31))) (or (and (bip32-path-in-tree-p path tree) (bip32-compliant-chains-p tree account-index)) (mv-nth 0 (bip32-ckd* root-key path)) (mv-nth 0 (bip32-ckd* root-key (rcons 0 path))) (mv-nth 0 (bip32-ckd* root-key (rcons 1 path))))) (t (not (bip32-path-in-tree-p path tree))))))))
(defthm booleanp-of-bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p (b* ((yes/no (bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p tree account-index-limit))) (booleanp yes/no)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p-of-bip32-key-tree-fix-tree (equal (bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p (bip32-key-tree-fix tree) account-index-limit) (bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p tree account-index-limit)))
(defthm bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p-bip32-key-tree-equiv-congruence-on-tree (implies (bip32-key-tree-equiv tree tree-equiv) (equal (bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p tree account-index-limit) (bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p tree-equiv account-index-limit))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p-of-nfix-account-index-limit (equal (bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p tree (nfix account-index-limit)) (bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p tree account-index-limit)))
(defthm bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p-nat-equiv-congruence-on-account-index-limit (implies (nat-equiv account-index-limit account-index-limit-equiv) (equal (bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p tree account-index-limit) (bip32-compliant-accounts-for-limit-p tree account-index-limit-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)