Write C files to the file system from an ACL2 representation.
This macro takes as input an ACL2 representation of C code
and writes that C code to the file system.
The ACL2 representation of the C code could be
the result of applying transformations to
code obtained via input-files;
so this
This macro currently does not perform very thorough input validation, but we plan to improve that.
(output-files :const ... ; no default :process ... ; default :print :const-files ... ; default nil :printer-options ... ; default nil )
Name of the existing ACL2 constant that contains the representation of the C code to write to the file system.
This constant must contain a fileset (i.e. a value of type fileset) if the
:process input (see below) is:write , or an unambiguous translation unit ensemble (i.e. a value of type transunit-ensemble) if the:process input isIn the rest of this documentation page, let
*const* be the name of this constant.
Specifies the processing to perform on the ACL2 representation of the C code in
*const* .This must be one of the following:
:write , for no processing (i.e. just writing the files). In this case,*const* must contain a file set, which is written to the file system as is.*const* to a file set that is then written to the file system. In this case,*const* must contain a translation unit ensemble.
Name of the generated ACL2 constant whose value is the file set obtained by printing
*const* .If this input is
nil , this constant is not generated.This input must be
nil if:process is:write , because in that case*const* already contains a file set.In the rest of this documentation page, let
*const-files* be the name of this constant, if notnil .
Specifies options for various aspects of how the C code is printed.
This must be a keyword-value list
(opt-name1 opt-value1 opt-name2 opt-value2 ...) where eachopt-namek is a keyword among the ones described below, and eachopt-valuek is one of the allowed values for the corresponding keyword as described below.The following options are supported:
:indentation-size <posint> , where<posint> is a positive integer. This specifies the size of each indentation level, measured in number of spaces. If this option is not supplied, it defaults to 2.:parenthesize-nested-conditionals <t/nil> , where<t/nil> is a boolean. This specifies whether conditional expressions that are `then' or `else' sub-expressions of outer conditional expressions should be parenthesized or not. For instance, whether the expressiona ? b ? c : d : e ? f gshould be printed asa ? (b ? c : e) : (e ? f : g)The two expressions are equivalent due to the precedence rules of C, but the second one is more readable. If this option ist , the printer adds the parentheses; if thie option isnil , no extra parentheses are added. If this option is not supplied, it defaults tonil .This is currently the only supported printer option. More options may be added in the future.
:process is:printer-options input must benil .
This macro generates one file in the file system
for each element of the translation unit ensemble or file set
Optionally, the named constant containing the file set obtained by printing the abstract syntax in
*const* .