Turn a type specifier sequence into a type.
(tyspecseq-to-type tyspec) → type
This is a subroutine of tyname-to-type, in a sense. A type specifier sequence already denotes a type (of certain kinds); but in general it is type names that denote types (of all kinds).
(defun tyspecseq-to-type (tyspec) (declare (xargs :guard (tyspecseqp tyspec))) (let ((__function__ 'tyspecseq-to-type)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (tyspecseq-case tyspec :void (type-void) :char (type-char) :schar (type-schar) :uchar (type-uchar) :sshort (type-sshort) :ushort (type-ushort) :sint (type-sint) :uint (type-uint) :slong (type-slong) :ulong (type-ulong) :sllong (type-sllong) :ullong (type-ullong) :bool (prog2$ (raise "Internal error: ~ _Bool not supported yet.") (ec-call (type-fix :irrelevant))) :float (prog2$ (raise "Internal error: ~ float not supported yet.") (ec-call (type-fix :irrelevant))) :double (prog2$ (raise "Internal error: ~ double not supported yet.") (ec-call (type-fix :irrelevant))) :ldouble (prog2$ (raise "Internal error: ~ long double not supported yet.") (ec-call (type-fix :irrelevant))) :struct (type-struct tyspec.tag) :union (prog2$ (raise "Internal error: ~ union ~x0 not supported yet." tyspec.tag) (ec-call (type-fix :irrelevant))) :enum (prog2$ (raise "Internal error: ~ enum ~x0 not supported yet." tyspec.tag) (ec-call (type-fix :irrelevant))) :typedef (prog2$ (raise "Internal error: ~ typedef ~x0 not supported yet." tyspec.name) (ec-call (type-fix :irrelevant))))))
(defthm typep-of-tyspecseq-to-type (b* ((type (tyspecseq-to-type tyspec))) (typep type)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm tyspecseq-to-type-of-tyspecseq-fix-tyspec (equal (tyspecseq-to-type (tyspecseq-fix tyspec)) (tyspecseq-to-type tyspec)))
(defthm tyspecseq-to-type-tyspecseq-equiv-congruence-on-tyspec (implies (tyspecseq-equiv tyspec tyspec-equiv) (equal (tyspecseq-to-type tyspec) (tyspecseq-to-type tyspec-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)