Process a command to initialize the wallet from a mnenonic.
(process-init-from-mnemonic arguments state) → (mv msg state)
The message returned by this function describes an error if one occurs, otherwise it describes success.
If no error occurs, the wallet state file is created.
(defun process-init-from-mnemonic (arguments state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (string-listp arguments))) (b* (((unless (= (len arguments) 2)) (mv (command-error-message *command-name-init-from-mnemonic* (command-error-wrong-number-of-arguments 2 (len arguments))) state)) ((mv error? state) (check-stat-file-absent state)) ((when error?) (mv (command-error-message *command-name-init-from-mnemonic* error?) state)) (mnemonic (first arguments)) (passphrase (second arguments)) ((mv error? stat?) (init-from-mnemonic mnemonic passphrase)) ((when error?) (mv (command-error-message *command-name-init-from-mnemonic* error?) state)) (state (save-stat stat? state)) (msg (msg "The wallet has been successfully initialized ~ from the supplied mnemonic (and passphrase).~%~%"))) (mv msg state)))
(defthm msgp-of-process-init-from-mnemonic.msg (b* (((mv acl2::?msg acl2::?state) (process-init-from-mnemonic arguments state))) (msgp msg)) :rule-classes :rewrite)