Generate a second-order counterpart of an event macro.
SOFT provides second-order counterparts of a number of event macros. For instance, it provides defun2 as a second-order counterpart of defun. These second-order macros are implemented as simply their first-order counterparts followed by defsoft. Since their implementation has such a simple and regular structure, we capture it in this ``meta'' macro, which you use to generate the second-order macros.
(defmacro gen-macro2-of-macro (macro) (declare (xargs :guard (symbolp macro))) (b* ((macro2 (str::cat (symbol-name macro) "2")) (softmacro2 (intern$ macro2 "SOFT")) (acl2macro2 (intern$ macro2 "ACL2")) (macro2-string (str::downcase-string (symbol-name softmacro2))) (acl2macro2-string (str::cat "acl2::" macro2-string))) (cons 'defsection (cons (intern$ (str::cat macro2 "-IMPLEMENTATION") "SOFT") (cons ':parents (cons (cons 'soft-implementation (cons softmacro2 'nil)) (cons ':short (cons (str::cat "Implementation of @(tsee " macro2-string ").") (cons ':long (cons (str::cat "@(def " macro2-string ") @(def " acl2macro2-string ")") (cons (cons 'defmacro (cons softmacro2 (cons '(sofun &rest rest) (cons (cons 'list (cons ''progn (cons (cons 'list* (cons (cons 'quote (cons macro 'nil)) '(sofun rest))) '((list 'defsoft sofun))))) 'nil)))) (cons (cons 'defmacro (cons acl2macro2 (cons '(&rest args) (cons (cons 'list* (cons (cons 'quote (cons softmacro2 'nil)) '(args))) 'nil)))) 'nil))))))))))))