Raw table about the known svex functions.
(defconst *svex-op-table* '((id 4vec-fix (x) "identity function") (bitsel 4vec-bit-extract (index x) "bit select") (unfloat 3vec-fix (x) "change Z bits to Xes") (bitnot 4vec-bitnot (x) "bitwise negation") (bitand 4vec-bitand (x y) "bitwise AND") (bitor 4vec-bitor (x y) "bitwise OR") (bitxor 4vec-bitxor (x y) "bitwise XOR") (res 4vec-res (x y) "resolve (short together)") (resand 4vec-resand (x y) "resolve wired AND") (resor 4vec-resor (x y) "resolve wired OR") (override 4vec-override (x y) "resolve different strengths") (onp 4vec-onset (x) "identity, except Z becomes 0") (offp 4vec-offset (x) "negation, except Z becomes 0") (uand 4vec-reduction-and (x) "unary (reduction) AND") (uor 4vec-reduction-or (x) "unary (reduction) OR") (uxor 4vec-parity (x) "reduction XOR, i.e. parity") (zerox 4vec-zero-ext (width x) "zero extend") (signx 4vec-sign-ext (width x) "sign extend") (concat 4vec-concat (width x y) "concatenate at a given bit width") (blkrev 4vec-rev-blocks (width bsz x) "reverse order of blocks") (rsh 4vec-rsh (shift x) "right shift") (lsh 4vec-lsh (shift x) "left shift") (+ 4vec-plus (x y) "addition") (b- 4vec-minus (x y) "subtraction") (u- 4vec-uminus (x) "unary minus") (* 4vec-times (x y) "multiplication") (/ 4vec-quotient (x y) "division") (% 4vec-remainder (x y) "modulus") (xdet 4vec-xdet (x) "identity on binary vectors, else X") (countones 4vec-countones (x) "count of 1-bits") (onehot 4vec-onehot (x) "one-hot check") (onehot0 4vec-onehot0 (x) "one-hot check (0-hot allowed)") (< 4vec-< (x y) "less than") (== 4vec-== (x y) "equality") (=== 4vec-=== (x y) "case equality (scary verilog semantics)") (===* 4vec-===* (x y) "modified case equality (x-monotonic if y is constant)") (==? 4vec-wildeq (x y) "wildcard equality (scary verilog semantics)") (safer-==? 4vec-wildeq-safe (x y) "wildcard equality (X-monotonic version)") (==?? 4vec-symwildeq (x y) "wildcard equality for casez") (clog2 4vec-clog2 (x) "ceiling of log2") (pow 4vec-pow (x y) "exponentiation") (? 4vec-? (test then else) "if-then-else") (?* 4vec-?* (test then else) "if-then-else (for statements)") (bit? 4vec-bit? (test then else) "bitwise if-then-else") (bit?! 4vec-bit?! (test then else) "bitwise if-then-else, only chooses then[i] when test[i]===1") (?! 4vec-?! (test then else) "procedural if-then-else, only chooses then when test has a definite 1 bit") (partsel 4vec-part-select (lsb width in) "part select") (partinst 4vec-part-install (lsb width in val) "part install")))