Create warnings for assignments that share some RHS.
(vl-maybe-warn-duperhs rhs assigns warnings) → new-warnings
(defun vl-maybe-warn-duperhs (rhs assigns warnings) (declare (xargs :guard (and (vl-expr-p rhs) (vl-assignlist-p assigns) (vl-warninglist-p warnings)))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-maybe-warn-duperhs)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((when (or (atom assigns) (atom (cdr assigns)))) (ok)) ((when (vl-duperhs-too-trivial-p rhs)) (ok)) (rhs-names (vl-expr-names rhs)) (special-names (append (str::collect-strs-with-isubstr "ph1" rhs-names) (str::collect-strs-with-isubstr "reset" rhs-names) (str::collect-strs-with-isubstr "clear" rhs-names) (str::collect-strs-with-isubstr "enable" rhs-names) (str::collect-strs-with-isubstr "clken" rhs-names) (str::collect-strs-with-isubstr "valid" rhs-names))) ((when (consp special-names)) (ok))) (warn :type :vl-warn-same-rhs :msg "Found assignments that have exactly the same right-hand side, ~ which might indicate a copy/paste error:~%~s0" :args (list (str::prefix-lines (with-local-ps (vl-ps-update-autowrap-col 200) (vl-pp-assignlist assigns)) " ") assigns)))))
(defthm vl-warninglist-p-of-vl-maybe-warn-duperhs (b* ((new-warnings (vl-maybe-warn-duperhs rhs assigns warnings))) (vl-warninglist-p new-warnings)) :rule-classes :rewrite)