Primitive 1-bit (more conservative) multiplexor module.
The Verilog definition of this module is:
module VL_1_BIT_APPROX_MUX (out, sel, a, b) ; output out; input sel; input a; input b; assign out = sel ? a : b; endmodule
VL takes this as a primitive, and we use it to implement
The esim semantics are a conservative, inexact approximation of the Verilog semantics, for two reasons.
In Verilog, the expression
assign out = sel1 ? data1 : 1'bz; assign out = sel2 ? data2 : 1'bz; assign out = sel3 ? data3 : 1'bz;
Such a circuit could not be modeled correctly using approx-muxes; the esim
semantics would always produce an X on the output. To avoid this, VL tries to
But in general, the Verilog semantics do not really correspond to any kind of hardware that you would implement. For instance, an AND/OR style mux would always drive its output, regardless of whether its inputs were driven. So the ESIM semantics, which treat the output as X instead of Z in this case, are arguably more realistic and safer than the Verilog semantics.
In Verilog, when
For certain kinds of mux implementations, this seems overly optimistic, and
our esim semantics for an approx mux is that whenever
For special cases where this approximation is not acceptable, VL implements
a special
(defconst *vl-1-bit-approx-mux* (b* ((name "VL_1_BIT_APPROX_MUX") (atts '(("VL_PRIMITIVE") ("VL_HANDS_OFF"))) ((mv out-expr out-port out-portdecl out-vardecl) (vl-primitive-mkport "out" :vl-output)) ((mv sel-expr sel-port sel-portdecl sel-vardecl) (vl-primitive-mkport "sel" :vl-input)) ((mv a-expr a-port a-portdecl a-vardecl) (vl-primitive-mkport "a" :vl-input)) ((mv b-expr b-port b-portdecl b-vardecl) (vl-primitive-mkport "b" :vl-input)) (assign (make-vl-assign :lvalue out-expr :expr (make-vl-nonatom :op :vl-qmark :args (list sel-expr a-expr b-expr) :finalwidth 1 :finaltype :vl-unsigned) :loc *vl-fakeloc*))) (hons-copy (make-vl-module :name name :origname name :ports (list out-port sel-port a-port b-port) :portdecls (list out-portdecl sel-portdecl a-portdecl b-portdecl) :vardecls (list out-vardecl sel-vardecl a-vardecl b-vardecl) :assigns (list assign) :minloc *vl-fakeloc* :maxloc *vl-fakeloc* :atts atts :esim acl2::*esim-safe-mux*))))