Extract Verilog data types to access them with ACL2 functions
(extract-vl-types :design design-name [:module module-name-to-add-to-scope] ;; optional [:parents parents-for-generated-docs] ;; optional ... vl-types: list of datatype/constant/wire names ...)
Example call:
(vl::extract-vl-types :design *my-good-simplified-svex-design* :module "my_module_name" :parents (my-extracted-vl-types) "my_data_struct" "my_data_struct2")
The above call will generate an event that submits ACL2 accessor, modifier, and debug functions for "my_data_struct", "my_data_struct2", and their children if there are any.
Using the generated functions, users can access a part of a given data structure. For example, if we have a large struct with a lot of fields, say named "t_main", then the program will generate a macro with the same name: |t_main| (reminder: Verilog is case-sensitive and so are our symbol/function names). Say that we have a variable called "main" in our conjectures representing a signal of type "t_main" (assuming we use ACL2::defsvtv). Then, we can access individual fields of this signal using the generated |t_main| macro. For example:
(|t_main| main "data[0].dword[3]") (|t_main| main "uop.size")
In case of enumarated types, their generator functions can take a string or an integer, and return corresponding integer or string values, respectively.
vl::extract-vl-types will also generate "change" macros for every type. For example:
(change-|t_main| main "data[0].dword[3]" 12)
will set the "data[0].dword[3]" field of main to 12.
More arguments can be passed to change other entries in the same call:
(change-|t_main| main "data[0].dword[3]" 12 "uop.size" 0)
If a field is repeated in the arguments or a field is passed that has an overlap with a previos argument, then the most recent one will override the previous one(s).
The program will also created "debug" macros/functions for every type. For example:
(|t_main|-debug main)
will return a large term that has all the entries for a given concrete value "main". Arguments to these debug functions are:
(|t_main|-debug main :exclude ("uop.size" "data[0]" "data[1].dword" "data[2].*"))When there is a ".*" at the end of a skipped argument (e.g., "data[2].*"), then the value of that argument (e.g., "data[2]") will be included but not its fields. Without the ".*", then nothing about that field (e.g., "data[0]") will be included.
(|t_main|-debug main :exclude ("uop.size" "data[2].*") :depth-limit 2)
The extract-vl-types event requires a significant part of the VL library to be loaded, but the generated macros only require a few utilities. Those requirements are included in the book "centaur/vl/mlib/extract-vl-types-support". Therefore, you can do the following in a book if you want to minimize what that book nonlocally includes:
(include-book "centaur/vl/mlib/extract-vl-types-support" :dir :system) (local (include-book "centaur/vl/mlib/extract-vl-types" :dir :system)) (vl::extract-vl-types ...)
Similarly, vl-extract-types can be used locally to an encapsulate as follows (note the use of make-event to wrap the macro call of extract-vl-types:
(include-book "centaur/vl/mlib/extract-vl-types-support" :dir :system) (encapsulate nil (local (include-book "centaur/vl/mlib/extract-vl-types" :dir :system)) (make-event '(vl::extract-vl-types ...)))