Partition a list of vl-modules by name.
(vl-filter-modules names x) → (mv named unnamed)
The only reason to use this function is efficiency.
(defun vl-filter-modules (names x) (declare (xargs :guard (and (string-listp names) (vl-modulelist-p x)))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-filter-modules)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (mbe :logic (mv (vl-keep-modules names x) (vl-delete-modules names x)) :exec (b* (((when (atom names)) (mv nil (list-fix x))) ((when (atom x)) (mv nil nil)) (fal (make-lookup-alist names)) ((local-stobjs nrev nrev2) (mv yes no nrev nrev2)) ((mv nrev nrev2) (vl-fast-filter-modules names fal x nrev nrev2)) (- (fast-alist-free fal)) ((mv yes nrev) (nrev-finish nrev)) ((mv no nrev2) (nrev-finish nrev2))) (mv yes no nrev nrev2)))))
(defthm vl-fast-filter-modules-removal-0 (equal (mv-nth 0 (vl-fast-filter-modules names fal x nrev nrev2)) (append nrev (vl-keep-modules names x))))
(defthm vl-fast-filter-modules-removal-1 (equal (mv-nth 1 (vl-fast-filter-modules names fal x nrev nrev2)) (append nrev2 (vl-delete-modules names x))))