Print warnings of interest to standard output, while hiding other warnings.
(vl-print-certain-warnings mods show hide) → *
You can use this to print just a few warnings you are interested in while hiding other warnings you know you are not interested in. If there are warnings of other types (that you haven't said to show or hide), they too will be hidden but you'll at least get a message saying that they aren't being shown.
(defun vl-print-certain-warnings (mods show hide) (declare (xargs :guard (and (vl-modulelist-p mods) (symbol-listp show) (symbol-listp hide)))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-print-certain-warnings)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((warnings (vl-modulelist-flat-warnings-exec mods nil)) (types (mergesort (vl-warninglist->types-exec warnings nil))) (hide (if hide (mergesort hide) types)) (show (mergesort show)) (misc (difference types (union show hide))) (warnings (vl-keep-warnings show warnings))) (vl-cw-ps-seq (vl-ps-update-autowrap-col 65) (vl-print-warnings warnings) (vl-println "") (if (not misc) ps (vl-ps-seq (vl-cw "Note: not showing ~&0 warnings.~%" misc) (vl-println "")))))))