CS 314: Reading in Optional Text

Text: Mark Allen Weiss, Data Structures & Problem Solving Using Java, 4th Ed.; Amazon via GRACS; textbooks.com.

If things were always this simple, programmers would be unemployed.
Fortunately for our careers, there are a host of complications.
            -- Weiss, p. 663.

Assigned Reading:

1Basic Java
5 - 5.2Intro to Big O
2 - 2.4Pointers and Reference Types
17.1Linked List
7 - 7.3.4Recursion
17.3, 17.4Doubly Linked, Circularly Linked, Sorted List
11 - 11.1Stack and Balanced Symbol Checker
6 - 6.6Java Collections API, Stack, Queue
16Stacks and Queues
18 - 18.3Trees
19 - 19.1, 19.3Binary Search Trees
18.4Tree Traversal Order
19.4AVL Trees
19.8B Trees
20 - 20.3.1Hashing
20.5 - 20.7Separate Chaining (Hash with Buckets)
6.9Priority Queue
21 - 21.2Heap
13.2optional: Discrete Event Simulation
8 - 8.3Sorting, Insertion Sort
8.5 - 8.8Mergesort, Quicksort
14Graphs, Dijkstra's Algorithm

Gordon S. Novak Jr.