Welcome to ROCK PAPER SCISSORS. I, Computer, will be your opponent. Please type in your name and press return: Isabelle Welcome Isabelle. All right Isabelle. How many rounds would you like to play? Enter the number of rounds you want to play and press return: 3 Round 1. Isabelle, please enter your choice for this round. 1 for ROCK, 2 for PAPER, and 3 for SCISSORS: 2 Computer picked ROCK, Isabelle picked PAPER. PAPER covers ROCK. You win. Round 2. Isabelle, please enter your choice for this round. 1 for ROCK, 2 for PAPER, and 3 for SCISSORS: 3 Computer picked PAPER, Isabelle picked SCISSORS. SCISSORS cut PAPER. You win. Round 3. Isabelle, please enter your choice for this round. 1 for ROCK, 2 for PAPER, and 3 for SCISSORS: 1 Computer picked SCISSORS, Isabelle picked ROCK. ROCK breaks SCISSORS. You win. Number of games of ROCK PAPER SCISSORS: 3 Number of times Computer won: 0 Number of times Isabelle won: 3 Number of draws: 0 You, Isabelle, are a master at ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS.