Demonstration of how the Evil Hangman algorithm breaks up words into new families based on the guessed character. Current word list = {ally, beta, cool, deal, else, flew, good, hope, ibex} Current pattern = ---- User guess = e Resulting word families 1. pattern = ---- words = {ally, cool, good} 2. pattern = -e-- words = {beta, deal} 3. pattern = --e' words = {flew, ibex} 4. pattern = e--e words = {else} 5. pattern = ---e words = {hope} Most difficult patter = ----, 3 words Current word list = {ally, cool, good} Current pattern = ---- User guess = o 1. pattern = -oo- words = {cool, good} 2. pattern = ---- words = {ally} Most difficult patter = -oo-, 2 words Current word list = {cool, good} Current pattern = -oo- User guess = 'd' 1. pattern = -oo- words = {cool} 2. pattern = -ood words = {good} Most difficult pattern = -oo-, 1 word, each pattern has 1 word, break tie by -oo- revealing 2 characters while -ood reveals 3 Current word list = {cool} Current pattern = -oo- Down to a single word.