Symposium and Workshop on New Methods for Phylogenomics and Metagenomics
The University of Texas at Austin
February 16 and 17, 2013

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This symposium and workshop is funded by the National Science Foundation through grant DEB 0733029 to the University of Texas, see

Please see Tandy's opening remarks for important information.

The symposium (February 16) will take places in the ACES Avaya Auditorium (SE corner of 24th and Speedway), and will feature talks on new methods for

The current list of speakers at the symposium includes Dan Brown (Waterloo), Joseph Heled (Auckland, New Zealand), Mark Holder (Kansas), Curtis Huttenhower (Harvard), Bret Larget (Wisconsin), Jim Leebens-Mack (Georgia), Luay Nakhleh (Rice), Eric Nawrocki (Janelia Farm, HHMI), Ben Redelings (NESCENT), Sebastien Roch (Wisconsin), and Tandy Warnow (Texas).

The workshop (February 17, 2013) will provide tutorials in the use of new methods. Please see the workshop schedule (with links to software and some tutorial presentations) here.

Click here for the list of symposium talks and (for some of them) the PDF or powerpoint presentation.

Registration is required, but participation in both the symposium and workshop is free.