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Terminology and Conventions

Often, STL lists of different types of nodes will be used in node declarations. These list types are typedefed in cbreeze.h. The naming convention is to append the string _list to the (possibly abbreviated) name of the data type to form the list type name, and to append _p to the list type name in another typedef for the iterator of that list. For example, if stmtNode is a node type, stmt_list would be a list of nodes of type stmtNode, and stmt_list_p would be the iterator type for stmt_list.

The various node types are organized in a C++ class hierarchy. For example, the loopNode class has subclasses that represent for, do and while loops. A loopNode is a subclass of a stmtNode, an even more general node type containing any kind of statement. stmtNode is a subclass of Node, the most general node type.

This class hierarchy allows the C-Breeze programmer to operate on various levels of specificity. For instance, if you want to examine all loops, but don't care what kind of loop it is, you can write code concerning only loopNode's.

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Adam C. Brown 2006-01-26