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Subsection 5.2.2 LU factorization: The right-looking algorithm

In the launch of this week, we mentioned an algorithm that computes the LU factorization of a given matrix \(A \) so that

\begin{equation*} A = L U, \end{equation*}

where \(L \) is a unit lower triangular matrix and \(U\) is an upper triangular matrix. We now derive that algorithm, which is often called the right-looking algorithm for computing the LU factorization.

Partition \(A \text{,}\) \(L \text{,}\) and \(U \) as follows:

\begin{equation*} A \rightarrow \FlaTwoByTwoSingleLine { \alpha_{11} }{ a_{12}^T } { a_{21} }{ A_{22} }, \quad L \rightarrow \FlaTwoByTwoSingleLine { 1 }{ 0 } { l_{21} }{ L_{22} }, \quad \mbox{and} \quad U \rightarrow \FlaTwoByTwoSingleLine { \upsilon_{11} }{ u_{12}^T } { 0 }{ U_{22} }. \end{equation*}

Then \(A = L U \) means that

\begin{equation*} \FlaTwoByTwoSingleLine { \alpha_{11} }{ a_{12}^T } { a_{21} }{ A_{22} } = \FlaTwoByTwoSingleLine { 1 }{ 0 } { l_{21} }{ L_{22} } \FlaTwoByTwoSingleLine { \upsilon_{11} }{ u_{12}^T } { 0 }{ U_{22} } = \FlaTwoByTwoSingleLine { \upsilon_{11} }{ u_{12}^T } { l_{21} \upsilon_{11} }{ l_{21} u_{12}^T + L_{22} U_{22} }. \end{equation*}


\begin{equation*} \FlaTwoByTwoSingleLineNoPar { \alpha_{11} = \upsilon_{11} }{ a_{12}^T = u_{12}^T } { a_{21} = \upsilon_{11} l_{21}}{ A_{22} = l_{21} u_{12}^T + L_{22} U_{22} } \end{equation*}

or, equivalently,

\begin{equation*} \FlaTwoByTwoSingleLineNoPar { \alpha_{11} = \upsilon_{11} }{ a_{12}^T = u_{12}^T } { a_{21} = \upsilon_{11} l_{21}}{ A_{22} - l_{21} u_{12}^T = L_{22} U_{22}. } \end{equation*}

If we overwrite the upper triangular part of \(A \) with \(U\) and the strictly lower triangular part of \(A \) with the strictly lower triangular part of \(L \) (since we know that its diagonal consists of ones), we deduce that we must perform the computations

  • \(a_{21} := l_{21} = a_{21} / \alpha_{11} \text{.}\)

  • \(A_{22} \becomes A_{22} - l_{21} a_{12}^T = A_{22} - a_{21} a_{12}^T \text{.}\)

  • Continue by computing the LU factorization of the updated \(A_{22} \text{.}\)

The resulting algorithm is given in Figure

\begin{equation*} \newcommand{\routinename}{A = \mbox{LU-right-looking}( A )} \newcommand{\guard}{ n( A_{TL} ) \lt n( A ) } \newcommand{\partitionings}{ A \rightarrow \FlaTwoByTwo{A_{TL}}{A_{TR}} {A_{BL}}{A_{BR}} } \newcommand{\partitionsizes}{ A_{TL} {\rm ~is~} 0 \times 0 } \newcommand{\repartitionings}{ \FlaTwoByTwo{A_{TL}}{A_{TR}} {A_{BL}}{A_{BR}} \rightarrow \FlaThreeByThreeBR{A_{00}}{a_{01}}{A_{02}} {a_{10}^T}{\alpha_{11}}{a_{12}^T} {A_{20}}{a_{21}}{A_{22}} } \newcommand{\moveboundaries}{ \FlaTwoByTwo{A_{TL}}{A_{TR}} {A_{BL}}{A_{BR}} \leftarrow \FlaThreeByThreeTL{A_{00}}{a_{01}}{A_{02}} {a_{10}^T}{\alpha_{11}}{a_{12}^T} {A_{20}}{a_{21}}{A_{22}} } \newcommand{\update}{ \begin{array}{l} a_{21} := a_{21} / \alpha_{11} \\ A_{22} := A_{22} - a_{21} a_{12}^T \end{array} } \FlaAlgorithm \end{equation*}
Figure Right-looking LU factorization algorithm.

Before we discuss the cost of this algorithm, let us discuss a trick that is often used in the analysis of the cost of algorithms in linear algebra. We can approximate sums with integrals:

\begin{equation*} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} k^p \approx \int_{0}^n x^p dx = \frac{1}{p+1} \left. x^{p+1} \right\vert_{0}^n = \frac{1}{p+1} n^{p+1}. \end{equation*}

Give the approximate cost incurred by the algorithm in Figure when applied to an \(n \times n \) matrix.


Approximately \(\frac{2}{3} n^3 \) flops.


Consider the iteration where \(A_{TL} \) is (initially) \(k \times k \text{.}\) Then

  • \(a_{21} \) is of size \(n-k-1 \text{.}\) Thus \(a_{21} := a_{21} / \alpha_{11} \) is typically computed by first computing \(1/\alpha_{11} \) and then \(a_{21} := (1/\alpha_{11} ) a_{21} \text{,}\) which requires \((n-k-1) \) flops. (The cost of computing \(1/\alpha_{11} \) is inconsequential when \(n \) is large, so it is usually ignored.)

  • \(A_{22} \) is of size \((n-k-1) \times ( n-k-1) \) and hence the rank-1 update \(A_{22} := A_{22} - a_{21} a_{12}^T \) requires \(2 ( n-k-1 ) ( n-k-1 ) \) flops.

Now, the cost of updating \(a_{21} \) is small relative to that of the update of \(A_{22} \) and hence will be ignored. Thus, the total cost is given by, approximately,

\begin{equation*} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} 2 ( n-k-1 )^2 \mbox{ flops}. \end{equation*}

Let us now simplify this:

\begin{equation*} \begin{array}{l} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} 2 ( n-k-1 )^2 \\ ~~~=~~~~ \lt \mbox{ change of variable: } j = n- k-1 \gt \\ \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} 2 j^2 \\ ~~~=~~~~ \lt \mbox{ algebra } \gt \\ 2 \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} j^2 \\ ~~~ \approx ~~~~ \lt \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} j^2 \approx \int_0^n x^2 dx = n^3/3 \gt \\ \frac{2}{3} n^3 \end{array} \end{equation*}

Give the approximate cost incurred by the algorithm in Figure when applied to an \(m \times n \) matrix.


Approximately \(m n^2 - \frac{1}{3} n^3 \) flops.


Consider the iteration where \(A_{TL} \) is (initially) \(k \times k \text{.}\) Then

  • \(a_{21} \) is of size \(m-k-1 \text{.}\) Thus \(a_{21} := a_{21} / \alpha_{11} \) is typically computed by first computing \(1/\alpha_{11} \) and then \(a_{21} := (1/\alpha_{11} ) a_{21} \text{,}\) which requires \((m-k-1) \) flops. (The cost of computing \(1/\alpha_{11} \) is inconsequential when \(m \) is large.)

  • \(A_{22} \) is of size \((m-k-1) \times ( n-k-1) \) and hence the rank-1 update \(A_{22} := A_{22} - a_{21} a_{12}^T \) requires \(2 ( m-k-1 ) ( n-k-1 ) \) flops.

Now, the cost of updating \(a_{21} \) is small relative to that of the update of \(A_{22} \) and hence will be ignored. Thus, the total cost is given by, approximately,

\begin{equation*} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} 2 ( m-k-1 ) ( n-k-1 ) \mbox{ flops}. \end{equation*}

Let us now simplify this:

\begin{equation*} \begin{array}{l} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} 2 ( m-k-1 ) ( n-k-1 ) \\ ~~~=~~~~ \lt \mbox{ change of variable: } j = n- k-1 \gt \\ \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} 2 ( m-(n-j-1)-1 ) j \\ ~~~=~~~~ \lt \mbox{ simplify } \gt \\ \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} 2 ( m-n + j ) j \\ ~~~=~~~~ \lt \mbox{ algebra } \gt \\ 2 (m-n) \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} j + 2 \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} j^2 \\ ~~~ \approx ~~~~ \lt \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} j \approx n^2/2 \mbox{ and } \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} j^2 \approx n^3/3 \gt \\ (m-n) n^2 + \frac{2}{3} n^3 \\ ~~~=~~~~ \lt \mbox{ simplify } \gt \\ m n^2 - \frac{1}{3} n^3 \end{array} \end{equation*}

In a practical application of LU factorization, it is uncommon to factor a non-square matrix. However, high-performance implementations of the LU factorization that use "blocked" algorithms perform a factorization of a rectangular submatrix of \(A \text{,}\) which is why we generalize beyond the square case.


It is a good idea to perform a "git pull" in the Assignments directory to update with the latest files before you start new programming assignments.

Implement the algorithm given in Figure as

function [ A_out ] = LU_right_looking( A )

by completing the code in Assignments/Week05/matlab/LU_right_looking.m. Input is an \(m \times n \) matrix \(A\text{.}\) Output is the matrix \(A \) that has been overwritten by the LU factorization. You may want to use Assignments/Week05/matlab/test_LU_right_looking.m to check your implementation.


See Assignments/Week05/answers/LU_right_looking.m. (Assignments/Week05/answers/LU_right_looking.m)