Elements of Graphics and Visualization
CS 324E

Fall 2003
Unique ID: 52405
Time: TTh 2:00-3:30
Location: GEO 2.218
Professor: Don Fussell
Office: Taylor Hall 3.150C
Phone: 471-9719 Office, 627-7659 Cell
Email: fussell@cs.utexas.edu
Office Hours: TTh 5:00-6:00 or by appointment

TA: Sangmin Park
TA Office Hours: Mon 1:30-3:00, Wed 9:30-11:00
TA Office Hours Location: TA Station PAI 5.36-B
TA Email: smpark@cs.utexas.edu

Lab Proctor: Prashanth Govindar
Lab Proctor Hours: WF 1:30-6:30 pm
Proctor Email: pgovinda@cs.utexas.edu

BMRT image by Jeremy Gibson, former UT RTF major.

This is a hands-on class in computer graphics programming. We will concentrated on teaching the principles of three dimensional computer graphics, and we will explore these principles through programming assignments in Java using the Java 2D and Java 3D APIs. We will also do some projects involving ray tracers and other 3D APIs. There will be many programming assignments, and two in-class, open-book exams.


The format of your programs should conform to these common programming standards.

You should use the turnin program to submit assignments. You should also use the following naming convention in turning in programs. Each file that you are turning in has a name of the form "filename.extension", for example "Amoeba.java", where "Amoeba" is the filename, and "java" is the extension. You should make sure that your filename ends with the number of the assignment for every file being turned in for a particular assignments. So, for assignment 2, you'd turn in "Amoeba2.java" and "README2".


- In class Tuesday October 14. You may bring your textbook, your notes, and your programs, as well as a printout of the Java2d tutorial from the web if you like.
Sample exam
Extra office hours in TAY 3.150c Tuesday October 14, 11:30-12:30.


- In class Thursday December 4. It will also be open book, you may bring any single graphics textbook, your class notes, and your programs. You shouldn't need additional Java3d references, but I'll make my laptop available to look up javadocs during the exam just in case.
Sample exam
Study topics
Please make sure you've done all the reading assignments as well.

Don Fussell