MDELite Installation and Overview Manual

Don Batory
Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX, USA

MDELite is an alternative to Eclipse for teaching and exploring concepts in Model Driven Engineering (MDE).  Rather than:
Here is an overview of this manual:

Installation of MDELite

You can download MDELite from The MDELite directory and executable contains:

  • Docs -- documentation, including this manual,
  • lib -- a library of jar files needed by MDELite,
  • libpl -- a library of predefined schemas, and
  • MDELite.jar -- the MDELite jar.

To install MDELite, just place MDELite.jar on your CLASSPATH. In Windows, the incantation to do so is:
> set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;C:\xfer\dist\MDELite.jar
where C:\xfer\dist is the absolute path to the directory containing MDELite.jar.  To check to see if you did the above tasks correctly, run the program MDELite.VerifyInstall:
Violet should be running now.
If not, something is wrong.
Otherwise, please close Violet,
and MDELite Ready to Use! 

MDELite-Relational Schemas

In MDE-speak, a model conforms to a metamodel.  In MDELite-speak, a metamodel is a relational schema; a relational database is a model that conforms to its schema.  (There are constraints that are associated with a database schema, which we cover later in Tools).  MDELite allows you to outline a relational schema in a way inspired by Prolog facts.  Here is a typical `short' declaration in


The above means:
Three important conventions of MDELite are:
  1. The first attribute of every MDELite table is an identifier column whose name need not be "id";
  2. There are two kinds of fields in MDELite table schemas: those with unquoted attribute names and those with quoted names. A quoted-name field means that all of its values must be quoted (single-or-double); an unquoted-name field means that all of its values must be unquoted;
  3. An n-tuple of a table t is written as a Prolog fact: t(v1 ... vn).  Some person tuples might be:  
person(p2,'Barack Obama').
person(p3,"Ms Piggy").
Values of a tuple are listed in the order that their column/attributes are listed in their table definition. 

Note: an ooschema is like Java in that you declare the root class with all of its attributes and subclasses with its additional attributes.  The subtable declarations indicate (parent, subtable) pairings.  What you want in the end is that attributes of parent tables to be propagated to their subtables.  This simple but tedious and error-prone operation is handled quickly by converting an file into an file by running:
> java MDELite.OO2DBSchema

(silently produces
> type


Again, the only difference between an ooschema file and its schema counterpart is that attributes of super-tables are propagated to its sub-tables, recursively.  Above, every professor tuple and every student tuple will have person attributes.

New Additions to MDELite Schemas

Finally, some new additions have been added to TableSchemas.  Attributes can not only have names, but be given "kind" indicators (as in the name of the Table whose identifiers they are to contain).  So instead of schemas like:

Where you have to infer that worksin is a field that points to a Department tuple, you can now write:
table(Person, [id:string,name:string,worksin:Department]).
To remind you that worksin takes Department ids as its column value.  MDELite does nothing with this information (yet) but someday some automated checking can be doneFurther, if a Person optionally worksin a Department (meaning that it is legal to have a null-valued worksin field), you may write:
table(Person[id:string,name:string,worksin : optional Department]).
Where "optional" indicates the possibility of a null-value.

Finally, abstract tables (as in abstract classes in Java) can be designated in ooschema and schema files by the abs_table declaration.  Below, the Person table is declared abstract, meaning that the only tuple instances of Person are those of its subtables.

abs_table(Person,[id:string,name:string,worksin : optional Department]).

MDELite-Relational Databases

A MDELite database is an instance of a file.  Recall the of the previous section.  An instance of this database is a separate file, named, where 'my' is the name of the instance, 'school' is the schema, and 'pl' denotes an MDELite file.  Here is the database text file:



department(d1,'computer science','gates dell complex').
department(d2,'computer science','gates hall').
department(d3,'computer science','Bahen Centre').


The above means:
MDELite does not automatically ensure that schema declarations of a database match that of the corresponding .schema file.  So beware. MDELite has a tool that verifies (or reports differences) between a database schema and its database.  To verify that the database conforms to, run the InstOf tool below.  In this case, conformance holds as there is silence for output.
>java MDELite.InstOf

MDELite Tools

MDELite offers the following tools, some of them are listed below:


Lists the MDELite tools, like the above.
> java MDELite.All


Converts a Violet class diagram (X.class.violet) file into an MDELite ooschema file (
> java MDELite.CD2OOSchema school.class.violet



Verifies that a database is an instance of its schema.  We saw a use for this operation earlier.  To invoke this test, use the incantation below.  Silence is returned if there are no errors.
> java MDELite.InstOf

Usage: MDL.InstOf confirms that database Y is an instance of S

Catalina (a.k.a. MDETool)

Tool that bootstraps (generates) MDELite tools from a Violet Class Diagram specification.
> java MDELite.Catalina
> java MDELite.MDETool

Usage: Boot.MDELite.catalina option args... all state -> java validateViolet state -> T/F validateMeta state -> meta quick meta -> java


MDELite relies on you writing a Java program (typically using Java streams and MDELite-tool support) to write and evaluate constraints and to report errors w.r.t. an MDELite database. (Me grousing: OCL is an awkward stream language IMO; Java streams are more elegant).

Here are two constraints on the school database:

A typical outline of is sketched below.
package BuildDocumentation;

import PrologDB.*;

public class schoolConform {

    public static void main(String... args) {
        // Step 1: standard command-line processing
        MDLUtilities.Marquee4Conform mark = new MDLUtilities.Marquee4Conform(schoolConform.class, "", args);
        String inputFileName = mark.getInputFileName();
        String AppName = mark.getAppName();  
             // if "" is input database name
             // then AppName = "X"

        // Step 2: open database to be validated + get needed tables
        DB db =;
        Table person = db.getTableEH("person");
        ErrorReport er = new ErrorReport();

        // Step 3: now perform database checks
        // 3a. Person Name Constraint -> checkCharacter(t))
                .forEach(t -> er.add("Person name not capitalized: %s", t.get("name")));

        // 3b. Name Uniqueness Contraint -> -> g.get("name").equals(t.get("name"))).count() > 1)
                .forEach(t -> er.add("Persons with duplicate name : %s" + t.get("name")));

        // print error report 
    static boolean checkCharacter(Tuple t) {
        String n = t.get("name");
        if (n.length() == 0) {
            return true;
        Character c = n.charAt(0);
        return Character.isLowerCase(c);
Perhaps the only thing strange is the use of class ErrorReport.  An ErrorReport object maintains a list of errors that are posted to it.  When a report is printed and if at least one error was found, a RuntimeException is thrown halting an MDELite program.  Incidentally, the output of this program is:
Person name not capitalized: don
Person name not capitalized: kelly
Person name not capitalized: zeke 
For further details see the MDELite Constraint document.

Model to Model (M2M) Transformations

A M2M transformation in MDELite is a Java program that implements a database-to-database transformation. It imports MDELite tools to read and write MDELite schemas and databases.  Typically, although not required, it takes 2 arguments: the name of the input database file and the name of the output database file.  Beyond that,how you write your database-to-database transformation is up to you.

For further information see the MDELite Demo document.


This tool reads an input file and converts it to a schema file  Remember an ooschema file is a Java-like declaration of tables and their inheritance hierarchies.  The attributes of a table are only those that are specific to that table.  Flattening this schema propagates attributes of super tables to subtables.  It is not difficult, but is error-prone. We saw an example use of earlier:
> java MDELite.OO2DBSchema

Usage: MDL.OO2DBSchema [] translate to

Reading a Database

This tool reads a database and reports errors.  If there are no errors, silence is returned:
> java MDELite.ReadDB

Usage: MDL.ReadDB

Reading a Schema

ReaSchema reads a schema file (ooschema or schema) reports errors. Silence is returned if no errors are found:
> java MDELite.ReadSchema

Usage: MDL.ReadSchema .ooschema or reads ooschema or schema X and reports errors

Reading a Table

This tool reads a MDELite table (.pl) or Comma-Separated-Value (.csv) table:
> java MDELite.ReadTable

Usage: MDL.ReadTable . is .csv or .pl reads table and reports errors

Verify Install

Used to verify that you have installed MDELite correctly and was used earlier.  The incantation is:
> java MDELite.VerifyInstall

Violet should be running now. If not, something is wrong. Otherwise, please close Violet, and MDELite Ready to Use!


Returns the version number of MDELite:
 > java MDELite.Version

MDELite version 26 JUNE 2019

Violet and its MDELite Tools

You can invoke Violet directly through its jar file, but calling it from a command line is painful; MDELite.Violet is easier:
> java MDELite.Violet      // spawns Violet and waits for Violet to close
Please note: MDELite uses Violet version 1, NOT version 2.  Why?  Because Version 2 made the use of Violet significantly harder. I am using it only in its version 1 jar file.

MDELite has a host of tools using Violet, including parsers, unparsers, and conformance tools for Violet class diagrams and Violet State Diagrams.  The incantations for class diagram tools are below; their counterparts are no different for State diagrams.
More information on Violet can be found in the Violet Manual.  Comparable tools for Yuml, another UML drawing tool, are also available.

Violet Class Parser

Maps a Violet Class diagram file (in file X.class.violet) to a vpl database.  The vpl schema is in libpl/  and is shown below:
% Violet (vpl) class database


% type = c(class),i(nterface),n(ote).  packages are skipped
% abst : if type==c, is class abstract?
% abstract class names are prefaced by "Abs_"


% type* = c(lass) or i(nterface)
% lineStyle = ""(solid) or "DOTTED"
% bentStyle = "", HV, VH, HVH, VHV
% abst -- if type==c, is class abstract?

To invoke the parser:
> java Violett.ClassParser

Usage: Violett.ClassParser X.class.violet [] translate X.class.violet to

Yes, I know some of you are wondering about the spelling of Violett.  Well, it is due to a bug I found in the Java compiler.  As I recall, Java gets confused with multiple different packages having the same name, or something like this.

Violet Class UnParser

Maps a vpl database (file to a Violet Class diagram file (X.class.violet):
> java Violett.ClassUnParser

Usage: Violett.ClassUnParser [X.class.violet] translate to X.class.violet

Violet Class Conform

Validates a database:
>java Violett.ClassConform

Usage: Violett.ClassConform evaluate conformance rules on silent return indicates no errors

Violet State Tools

Use the following schema to store database encodings of Violet state diagrams -- taken from libpl/
% violet (fsm) state machine database


% ntype = state | note | init | final | point
% etype = arrow | note

The StateParser, StateUnparser, and StateConform tools have exactly the same calling sequence as their Violet Class counterparts, except the "Violett.State.." program is used.

Yuml and its MDELite Tools

Yuml is a free, on-line tool that MDELite uses.  The ypl schema that is used to encode Yuml databases is in libpl/
% yuml class schema


% type = n (for note), c (for class), i (for interface)
% abst : if type==c, is the class abstract? 
% abstract class names are prefaced by "Abs_"


% end1 = <> | ++ | ^ | < | "" (nothing)
% end2 = <> | ++ | ^ | > | "" (nothing)
% lineType = - | -.-

The ClassParser, ClassUnparser, and ClassConform tools have exactly the same calling sequence as their Violet Class counterparts, except the "Yuml.Class.." program is used.  More information is found in the Yuml Manual.


MDELite is a work in progress.  It is possible that this documentation may get out-of-date with code releases.  If so, please report them to me .