Uses of Class

Packages that use GridMap
aim4.config This package contains the configuration settings for the AIM4 simulator. This package contains the implementations of the map in the AIM4 simulator. 

Uses of GridMap in aim4.config

Methods in aim4.config with parameters of type GridMap
static TrafficSignalPhase TrafficSignalPhase.makeFromFile(GridMap map, String csvFileName)
          Create a new traffic signal phase object from file

Constructors in aim4.config with parameters of type GridMap
TrafficSignalPhase(GridMap map, List<String> strs)
          Construct a traffic signal phases.

Uses of GridMap in

Methods in with parameters of type GridMap
static TrafficVolume TrafficVolume.makeFromFile(GridMap map, String csvFileName)
          Create a new traffic volume object from file.
static void GridMapUtil.setApprox4PhasesTrafficLightManagers(GridMap layout, double currentTime, ReservationGridManager.Config config, double greenLightDuration, double yellowLightDuration)
          Set the approximate 4 phases traffic light managers at all intersections.
static void GridMapUtil.setApproxNPhasesTrafficLightManagers(GridMap layout, double currentTime, ReservationGridManager.Config config, String trafficSignalPhaseFileName)
          Set the approximate N phases traffic light managers at all intersections.
static void GridMapUtil.setApproxSimpleTrafficLightManagers(GridMap layout, double currentTime, ReservationGridManager.Config config, double greenLightDuration, double yellowLightDuration)
          Set the approximate simple traffic light managers at all intersections.
static void GridMapUtil.setApproxStopSignManagers(GridMap layout, double currentTime, ReservationGridManager.Config config)
          Set the approximate N phases traffic light managers at all intersections.
static void GridMapUtil.setBaselineSpawnPoints(GridMap layout, double traversalTime)
          Set the baseline spawn points.
static void GridMapUtil.setBatchManagers(GridMap layout, double currentTime, ReservationGridManager.Config config, double processingInterval)
          Set the bath managers at all intersections.
static void GridMapUtil.setDirectionalSpawnPoints(GridMap layout, double hTrafficLevel, double vTrafficLevel)
          Set the directional spawn points which has different traffic volumes in different directions.
static void GridMapUtil.setFCFSManagers(GridMap layout, double currentTime, ReservationGridManager.Config config)
          Set the FCFS managers at all intersections.
static void GridMapUtil.setUniformRandomSpawnPoints(GridMap map, double trafficLevel)
          Set the uniform random spawn points.
static void GridMapUtil.setUniformRatioSpawnPoints(GridMap map, String trafficVolumeFileName)
          Set the uniform ratio spawn points with various traffic volume.
static void GridMapUtil.setUniformTurnBasedSpawnPoints(GridMap map, double trafficLevel)
          Set the uniform turn based spawn points.

Constructors in with parameters of type GridMap
TrafficVolume(GridMap map, List<String> strs)
          Create a new traffic volume object from the data in a file.

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