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Quick Tips: Assess Your Mistakes
·8 mins
In The Method and Scope of Genetics, published in 1908, William Bateson offers this advice: If I may throw out a word of counsel to beginners, it is: Treasure your exceptions!


Quick Tips: Remove the phrase 'Doesn't Work' from your vocabulary
·5 mins
Motivated by a recent question from one of my department’s academic counselors, I’ve decided to start a small blog series with tips, tricks, or general advice for undergraduate students in computer science.
Showing Off Your Work on GitHub
··12 mins
So you’ve written a cool thing. Maybe it’s a game that you like and want to let other people play. Maybe it’s a library that you think other people could use.


Using dup2() to redirect output
··3 mins
Sometimes, you want to redirect the output of your program to a file–maybe to record it for another program, or because you want to search through it with grep. If you have to do this at the C level, there are a few ways you can accomplish this.


Stop Making Shell Aliases for SSH!
·5 mins
Stop me if you’ve had this problem before. You need to ssh into a server, but it has some horribly complicated rules, so your SSH command looks something like ssh -p 9999 myuser@complicated.
Performance For Various MD Systems
·6 mins
I’m currently working on a project that requires the use of Molecular Dynamics simulations to generate raw data. It’s not really the focus of the project, but I do need some decently long simulations (in the neighborhood of 400ns) to get meaningful data.


SSH Key Fingerprints for TACC Systems
·2 mins
Since our friends over at TACC don’t seem to like posting their SSH key fingerprints, I figured I’d go ahead and do it for them. Here are the key fingerprints as seen from the main UT campus.
I Made a Website!
·2 mins
Looks like I’ve finally been able to make a website! In case you’re interested in building a quick and easy personal site of your own, I highly recommend the Jekyll framework.