CS388G: Algorithms: Techniques/Theory (#53206), Fall 2014

The University of Texas at Austin
Department of Computer Science
August 27, 2014



This is the initial course announcement.
For further updates please access the course description under Canvas.

Time and Place. MW 2-3:30, GDC 4.304

Professor. Vijaya Ramachandran (vlr"at"cs), GDC 4.430, 471-9554.
Office Hours. MW 11-noon. (If you are registered in another class that meets 11-noon, please notify me, and I will move one of the office hours.)

Office Hours. TBA.

Textbook and Course Material.

Prerequisites. Graduate standing, and a theory algorithms course such as undergraduate CS331.

COURSE OUTLINE. This is a graduate diversity course in a theory thread . We will cover selected topics in the design and analysis of algorithms as follows. All algorithms will be analyzed to obtain provable bounds.  

Introduction; maximum flow and matching:
Ford-Fulkerson; Edmonds-Karp; preflow push; Edmonds' matching algorithm
Two weeks
Short Topics:
Online algorithms and paging; cache-oblivious algorithms; parallel and multicore algorithms
One week
Randomized algorithms:
Tail bounds; topics such as randomized Quicksort; randomized graph algorithms; universal hashing
Two to three weeks
Amortized analysis:
Splay tree; `alpha' bound for disjoint sets; Fibonacci heap
Two weeks
Short Topics:
Topics in efficient graph algorithms
One week
Cook's theorem; NP-completeness reductions; approximation algorithm
Two weeks
Additional short topics may be introduced during the semester .

There is no programming component to the course.

Canvas/Piazza. Course material will be posted on Piazza or Canvas.

Class Meetings. We will meet at the regularly scheduled class timings with the following exceptions.

Proposed Dates and Times for the 2 Tests.

Course Grade. The course agrade will be based on the following:

Tests. The total of 50 points is distributed over the two tests as follows.

Problems Sets and Project. Details on these will be announced once the class size has stabilized.

We will have extended class meetings at the end of the semester for project presentations. Please hold the 3:30-5 time slot immediately following this class open for project presentations during the last two weeks, on November 24, December 1 and December 3.

Class Participation. This will be graded based on questions and comments in class, comments posted on the discussion board on Piazza, and interactions during office hours.

Students with Disabilities. Students with disabilities may request appropriate academic accommodations from the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students with Disabilities, 471-6259, http://www.utexas.edu/diversity/ddce/ssd

If you require any assistance or accommodations from me, please let me know by September 12.

Accommodations for Religious Holidays. By UT Austin policy, you must notify the instructor of your pending absence at least fourteen days prior to the date of observance of a religious holy day. If you must miss a class or an examination in order to observe a religious holy day, you will be given an opportunity to complete the missed work within a reasonable time before or after the absence, provided proper notification is given.

If you intend to make use of such accommodations, please let me know by September 12.

Statement on Scholastic Dishonesty. Anyone who violates the rules for the problem sets or who cheats in the in-class tests or final exam is in danger of receiving an F for the course. Additional penalties may be levied by the Computer Sciences department and the University. See http://www.cs.utexas.edu/academics/conduct/

Course URL.     http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~vlr/courses/f13.388p/index.html