distributed systems publications

Obladi: Oblivious serializable transactions in the cloud
Natacha Crooks, Matthew Burke, Sitar Harel, Ethan Cecchetti, Rachit Agarwal, and Lorenzo Alvisi
In OSDI 2018 - bibtex
Musketeer: all for one, one for all in data processing systems
Ionel Gog, Malte Schwarzkopf, Natacha Crooks, Matthew P. Grosvenor, Allen Clement, and Steven Hand
In EuroSys 2015 - bibtex
Bolt: Data Management for Connected Homes
Trinabh Gupta, Rayman Preet Singh, Amar Phanishayee, Jaeyeon Jung, and Ratul Mahajan
In NSDI 2014 - pdf :: slides :: bibtex
Towards a storage system for connected homes
Trinabh Gupta, Amar Phanishayee, Jaeyeon Jung, and Ratul Mahajan
In LADIS 2013 - pdf :: bibtex