
Real-Time Vision on a Mobile Robot Platform

Real-Time Vision on a Mobile Robot Platform.
Mohan Sridharan and Peter Stone.
In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), August 2005.
Some videos of the robot referenced in the paper.


[PDF]396.1kB  [postscript]5.0MB  


Computer vision is a broad and significant ongoing research challenge, even when performed on an individual image or on streaming video from a high-quality stationary camera with abundant computational resources. When faced with streaming video from a lower-quality, rapidly moving camera and limited computational resources, the challenge increases. We present our implementation of a vision system on a mobile robot platform that uses a camera image as the primary sensory input. Having to perform all processing, including segmentation and object detection, in real-time on-board the robot, eliminates the possibility of using some state-of-the-art methods that otherwise might apply. We describe the methods that we developed to achieve a practical vision system within these constraints. Our approach is fully implemented and tested on a team of Sony AIBO robots.

BibTeX Entry

author="Mohan Sridharan and Peter Stone",
title="Real-Time Vision on a Mobile Robot Platform",
booktitle="{IEEE}/{RSJ} International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)",
Computer vision is a broad and significant ongoing
research challenge, even when performed on an
individual image or on streaming video from a
high-quality stationary camera with abundant
computational resources. When faced with streaming
video from a lower-quality, rapidly moving camera
and limited computational resources, the challenge
increases. We present our implementation of a vision
system on a mobile robot platform that uses a camera
image as the primary sensory input. Having to
perform all processing, including segmentation and
object detection, in real-time on-board the robot,
eliminates the possibility of using some
state-of-the-art methods that otherwise might
apply. We describe the methods that we developed to
achieve a practical vision system within these
constraints. Our approach is fully implemented and
tested on a team of Sony AIBO robots.

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