Metamodel Refactoring
(or why you loved 9th grade algebra:)
Corrections are in Green

Here is my class diagram solution (metamodel minus constraints) to H2:

Part 1

Here is a correct, but verbose, solution submitted by one of you.  (If you don't see a cardinality, assume it is "*" or "star").

Picture has been updated

Define a series of metamodel identities (ex. class diagram identities) to transform the above metamodel into mine.

Part 2

Here is another correct, but verbose, solution submitted by another one of you:

Define a series of metamodel identities (ex. class diagram identities) to transform the above metamodel into mine.  (Assume constraint: wire connects to an LPin OR an Rpin -- one, never both).

What to Submit to Canvas

Submit a PDF with the following information:
  1. define each metamodel refactoring (identity) clearly, mentioning constraints that must be introduced (or removed).
  2. start with a student solution and apply each previously defined refactoring in sequence, ending with my diagram.