Introduction to Data Mining

CS 378

CS Unique No. 54340

Course Announcement

Spring 2010
TTh 9:30-11am

Professor: Inderjit Dhillon (send email)
Office: ACES 2.332
Office Hours: Tue 11am-noon or by appointment

TA: Wei Tang (send email)
Office: TAY 137
Office Hours: MW 3:30-5pm


  • "Introduction to Data Mining" by P. Tan, M. Steinbach, V. Kumar, Addison Wesley, 2006.
  • Textbook URL (contains Powerpoint slides)
  • Grading

  • 25% class project
  • 20% homeworks
  • 50% exam (1 midterm + 1 final exam)
  • 5% class participation and attendance
  • Handouts

  • Class Survey
  • Homeworks

  • Hard-copies of your homework solutions should be submitted in class on the due date.
  • Late Homework Policy: The latest time by which homework solutions can be submitted is 5pm the day after the due date (in the TA's office). Penalty for late submission: 25% penalty till 11am the day after the due date, and 50% penalty for submission after that.
  • Homework 1 (solutions)
  • Homework 2 (solutions)
  • Homework 3 (solutions)
  • Homework 4 & Matlab File (solutions)
  • Homework 5 (solutions)
  • Homework 6
  • Reading Material

  • Matlab Tutorials
  • Linear Algebra Background
  • Vector-Space Model, SVD and LSI
  • Lecture Notes
  • Class Projects

    Code of Conduct