UT Austin Villa Publications

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Austin Villa 2011: Sharing is Caring: Better Awareness through Information Sharing

Samuel Barrett, Katie Genter, Todd Hester, Piyush Khandelwal, Michael Quinlan, Peter Stone, and Mohan Sridharan. Austin Villa 2011: Sharing is Caring: Better Awareness through Information Sharing. Technical Report UT-AI-TR-12-01, The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences, AI Laboratory, 2012.


[PDF]1.1MB  [postscript]32.8MB  




        author="Samuel Barrett and Katie Genter and Todd Hester and Piyush Khandelwal and Michael Quinlan and Peter Stone and Mohan Sridharan",
        title="{A}ustin {V}illa 2011: Sharing is Caring: Better Awareness through Information Sharing",
        institution="The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences, AI Laboratory",

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