Uses of Class

Packages that use Road
aim4.config This package contains the configuration settings for the AIM4 simulator. 
aim4.driver This packages contains the driver model. 
aim4.driver.navigator This package contains the implementation of the navigator, one of the three agents in the driver agent. This package contains the implementation of the intersection manager. This package contains the implementations of the map in the AIM4 simulator. This package contains the implementations of the destination selectors. 
aim4.vehicle This package contains the vehicle model in the simulator. 

Uses of Road in aim4.config

Methods in aim4.config that return types with arguments of type Road
 List<Road> TrafficSignalPhase.getActiveRoads(int phaseId)
          Get the list of the names of the roads that are active in the phase.

Methods in aim4.config with parameters of type Road
 ApproxNPhasesTrafficSignalRequestHandler.CyclicSignalController TrafficSignalPhase.calcCyclicSignalController(Road road)
          Generate a signal controller for a road.

Uses of Road in aim4.driver

Methods in aim4.driver that return Road
 Road ProxyDriver.getDestination()
          Get where this DriverAgent is going.
 Road DriverSimView.getDestination()
          Get where this driver is going.
 Road Driver.getDestination()
          Get where this driver is going.
 Road AutoDriverCoordinatorView.getDestination()
          Get where this DriverAgent is going.

Methods in aim4.driver with parameters of type Road
 void DriverSimView.setDestination(Road destination)
          Set where this driver is going.
 void Driver.setDestination(Road destination)
          Set where this driver agent is going.

Uses of Road in aim4.driver.navigator

Methods in aim4.driver.navigator that return Road
 Road Navigator.navigate(Road current, IntersectionManager im, Road destination)
          Given the current Road, the IntersectionManager being approached, and a destination Road, find a road that leave the IntersectionManager that will lead to the destination Road.
 Road BasicNavigator.navigate(Road current, IntersectionManager im, Road destination)
          Given the current Road, the IntersectionManager being approached, and a destination Road, find a road that leave the IntersectionManager that will lead to the destination Road.

Methods in aim4.driver.navigator with parameters of type Road
 Road Navigator.navigate(Road current, IntersectionManager im, Road destination)
          Given the current Road, the IntersectionManager being approached, and a destination Road, find a road that leave the IntersectionManager that will lead to the destination Road.
 Road BasicNavigator.navigate(Road current, IntersectionManager im, Road destination)
          Given the current Road, the IntersectionManager being approached, and a destination Road, find a road that leave the IntersectionManager that will lead to the destination Road.

Uses of Road in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Road
 List<Road> RoadBasedIntersection.getEntryRoads()
          Get the Roads that enter the space governed by this intersection manager.
 List<Road> Intersection.getEntryRoads()
          Get the Roads that enter the space governed by this IntersectionManager.
 List<Road> RoadBasedIntersection.getExitRoads()
          Get the Roads that exit the space governed by this intersection manager.
 List<Road> Intersection.getExitRoads()
          Get the Roads that exit the space governed by this IntersectionManager.
 List<Road> RoadBasedIntersection.getRoads()
          Get the Roads incident to the space governed by this intersection.
 List<Road> Intersection.getRoads()
          Get the Roads incident to the space governed by this intersection.

Methods in with parameters of type Road
 List<Lane> TrackModel.getSortedDepartureLanes(Lane arrivalLane, Road departure)
          Given an arrival Lane and a departure Road, get an ordered List of Lanes that represents the Lanes from highest to lowest priority based on distance from the arrival Lane.
 List<Lane> RoadBasedTrackModel.getSortedDepartureLanes(Lane arrivalLane, Road departure)
          Given an arrival Lane and a departure Road, get an ordered List of Lanes that represents the Lanes from highest to lowest priority based on distance from the arrival Lane.
 List<Lane> IntersectionManager.getSortedDepartureLanes(Lane arrivalLane, Road departure)
          Given an arrival Lane and a departure Road, get an ordered List of Lanes that represents the Lanes from highest to lowest priority based on distance from the arrival Lane.
 boolean IntersectionManager.manages(Road r)
          Whether or not this IntersectionManager manages the given Road.
 double TrackModel.traversalDistance(Road arrival, Road departure)
          Get the distance from the entry of the given Road, to the departure of the other given Road.
 double RoadBasedTrackModel.traversalDistance(Road arrival, Road departure)
          Get the distance from the entry of the given Road, to the departure of the other given Road.
 double IntersectionManager.traversalDistance(Road arrival, Road departure)
          Get the distance from the entry of the given Road, to the departure of the other given Road.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Road
RoadBasedIntersection(List<Road> roads)
          Basic class constructor.

Uses of Road in

Methods in that return Road
 Road SpawnPoint.SpawnSpec.getDestinationRoad()
          Get the destination road.
 Road Road.getDual()
          Get the Road that follows this Road in the opposite direction.
 Road TrafficVolume.getLeftTurnRoad(Road road)
          Get the left turn volume of a road.
 Road TrafficVolume.getRightTurnRoad(Road road)
          Get the right turn volume of a road.
 Road GridMap.getRoad(int laneID)
          Given a Lane ID number, get the Road of which that Lane is a part.
 Road BasicMap.getRoad(int laneID)
          Given a Lane ID number, get the Road of which that Lane is a part.
 Road GridMap.getRoad(Lane lane)
          Given a Lane, get the Road of which that Lane is a part.
 Road BasicMap.getRoad(Lane lane)
          Given a Lane, get the Road of which that Lane is a part.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Road
 List<Road> GridMap.getDestinationRoads()
          Get the Roads that exit this Layout.
 List<Road> BasicMap.getDestinationRoads()
          Get the Roads that exit this Layout.
 List<Road> GridMap.getHorizontalRoads()
          Get the set of horizontal roads.
 List<Road> GridMap.getRoads()
          Get the Roads that are part of this Layout.
 List<Road> BasicMap.getRoads()
          Get the Roads that are part of this Layout.
 List<Road> GridMap.getRoads(int column, int row)
          Get the list of all roads that enter a particular intersection.
 List<Road> GridMap.getVerticalRoads()
          Get the set of vertical roads.

Methods in with parameters of type Road
 Road TrafficVolume.getLeftTurnRoad(Road road)
          Get the left turn volume of a road.
 Road TrafficVolume.getRightTurnRoad(Road road)
          Get the right turn volume of a road.
 void Road.setDual(Road dual)
          Set the Road that follows this Road in the opposite direction.

Constructors in with parameters of type Road
GridMapUtil.OnlyOneSpawnSpecGenerator(int vehicleSpecId, Road destinationRoad)
          Create a spec generator that generates just one vehicle in the entire simulation.
SpawnPoint.SpawnSpec(double spawnTime, VehicleSpec vehicleSpec, Road destinationRoad)
          Create a spawn specification.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Road
GridMapUtil.EnumerateSpawnSpecGenerator(SpawnPoint spawnPoint, List<Road> destinationRoads, double initSpawnTime, double spawnPeriod)
          Create a spawn spec generator that enumerates spawn spec.

Uses of Road in

Methods in that return Road
 Road UniqueDestinationSelector.selectDestination(Lane currentLane)
          Select the Road which the given Vehicle should use as its destination.
 Road TurnBasedDestinationSelector.selectDestination(Lane currentLane)
          Select the Road which the given Vehicle should use as its destination.
 Road RatioDestinationSelector.selectDestination(Lane currentLane)
          Select the Road which the given Vehicle should use as its destination.
 Road RandomDestinationSelector.selectDestination(Lane currentLane)
          Select the Road which the given Vehicle should use as its destination.
 Road IdentityDestinationSelector.selectDestination(Lane currentLane)
          Select the Road which the given Vehicle should use as its destination.
 Road DestinationSelector.selectDestination(Lane currentLane)
          Select the Road which the given Vehicle should use as its destination.

Constructors in with parameters of type Road
UniqueDestinationSelector(Road endRoad)
          Create a unique destination selector.

Uses of Road in aim4.vehicle

Methods in aim4.vehicle that return Road
static Road VinRegistry.getDestRoadFromVIN(int vin)
          Get the destination road from the VIN of a vehicle

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