Chandrajit Bajaj
(a) (b) (c) (d)

(a): MRI of a human head -the 3D image has been classified and a proper opacity function is automatically generated to distinguish the brain cortex in this volume rendered image. (b): the brain is segmented from the MRI, and a tetrahedral mesh is generated of the brain cortex and interior (including brain ventricle). (c): quadrilateral wireframe rendering showing the mesh interior of a simplified version of the brain mesh. Note the mesh adaptivity near the inner ventricles. (d): surface quadrilateral mesh (16874 quads) of the simplified version of the brain cortex being displayed.

(e) (f) (g) (h)

the fast informative visulaization of volumetric imaging data applying multi-transfer function. (e) shows outer surface of brain. (f) shows inside of brain. (g) shows both surface and inside. (h) shows a smooth surface from a surface triangulation by implicit triangular surface patches

(i) (j) (k)

Brain Segmentaion with (i) front view, (j) top view, and (k) side view.