Uses of Interface

Packages that use BasicMap
aim4.config This package contains the configuration settings for the AIM4 simulator. 
aim4.driver This packages contains the driver model. 
aim4.driver.coordinator This package contains the implementation of the coordinator, one of the three agents in the driver agent. 
aim4.driver.navigator This package contains the implementation of the navigator, one of the three agents in the driver agent. 
aim4.gui This package contains the implementation of the GUI of the simulator. This package contains the implementations of the map in the AIM4 simulator. This package contains the implementations of the destination selectors. 
aim4.sim This package contains the implementation of the simulation object of the simulator. 

Uses of BasicMap in aim4.config

Fields in aim4.config declared as BasicMap
static BasicMap Debug.currentMap
          A global variable referring to the global map.

Uses of BasicMap in aim4.driver

Constructors in aim4.driver with parameters of type BasicMap
AutoDriver(AutoVehicleDriverView vehicle, BasicMap basicMap)
AutoV2VDriver(AutoVehicleDriverView vehicle, BasicMap basicMap)
ProxyDriver(AutoVehicleDriverView vehicle, BasicMap basicMap)
          Construct a proxy driver.

Uses of BasicMap in aim4.driver.coordinator

Constructors in aim4.driver.coordinator with parameters of type BasicMap
V2ICoordinator(AutoVehicleDriverView vehicle, AutoDriver driver, BasicMap basicMap)
          Create an AutonomousCoordinator to coordinate a Vehicle.

Uses of BasicMap in aim4.driver.navigator

Constructors in aim4.driver.navigator with parameters of type BasicMap
BasicNavigator(VehicleSpec vehicleSpec, BasicMap basicMap)
          Construct a new Navigator for the given Vehicle specification.

Uses of BasicMap in aim4.gui

Methods in aim4.gui with parameters of type BasicMap
 void Canvas.initWithGivenMap(BasicMap basicMap)
          Initialize the canvas with a given map.

Uses of BasicMap in

Classes in that implement BasicMap
 class GridMap
          The grid layout map.

Constructors in with parameters of type BasicMap
Road(String name, BasicMap map)
          Create a new Road with no Lanes.
Road(String name, List<Lane> lanes, BasicMap map)
          Create a new Road with the given Lanes, ordered from left to right.

Uses of BasicMap in

Constructors in with parameters of type BasicMap
RandomDestinationSelector(BasicMap layout)
          Create a new RandomDestinationSelector from the given Layout.
RatioDestinationSelector(BasicMap map, TrafficVolume trafficVolume)
          Create a new RandomDestinationSelector from the given Layout.
TurnBasedDestinationSelector(BasicMap layout)
          Create a new identity destination selector from the given Layout.

Uses of BasicMap in aim4.sim

Methods in aim4.sim that return BasicMap
 BasicMap Simulator.getMap()
          Get the layout of the simulation.
 BasicMap AutoDriverOnlySimulator.getMap()
          Get the layout of the simulation.

Constructors in aim4.sim with parameters of type BasicMap
AutoDriverOnlySimulator(BasicMap basicMap)
          Create an instance of the simulator.

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