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Simon S. Lam, Packet Switching in a Multi-Access Broadcast Channel with Application to Satellite Communication in a Computer Network, Ph.D. Dissertation, Computer Science Department, University of California at Los Angeles, March 1974; published as Technical Report UCLA-ENG-7429 (ARPA), School of Engineering and Applied Science, UCLA, April 1974, 306 pages.

Available in eleven .pdf files:

  1. Technical Report front and back covers
  2. Title, Table of Contents, Acknowledgments, Abstract
  3. Chapter 1. Introduction
  4. Chapter 2. The Channel Model
  5. Chapter 3. Throughput-Delay Performance
  6. Chapter 4. Channel Dynamics
  7. Chapter 5. Channel Stability
  8. Chapter 6. Dynamic Channel Control
  9. Chapter 7. Multipacket Message Delay and Satellite Channel Reservation Schemes
    Chapter 8. Conclusions
  10. Bibliography
  11. Appendices A-F