Department of Computer Science

Machine Learning Research Group

University of Texas at Austin Artificial Intelligence Lab

Publications: 1993

  1. Extending Theory Refinement to M-of-N Rules
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    Paul T. Baffes and Raymond J. Mooney
    Informatica, 17:387-397, 1993.
    In recent years, machine learning research has started addressing a problem known as theory refinement. The goal of a theory refinement learner is to modify an incomplete or incorrect rule base, representing a domain theory, to make it consistent with a set of input training examples. This paper presents a major revision of the EITHER propositional theory refinement system. Two issues are discussed. First, we show how run time efficiency can be greatly improved by changing from a exhaustive scheme for computing repairs to an iterative greedy method. Second, we show how to extend EITHER to refine MofN rules. The resulting algorithm, Neither (New EITHER), is more than an order of magnitude faster and produces significantly more accurate results with theories that fit the MofN format. To demonstrate the advantages of NEITHER, we present experimental results from two real-world domains.
    ML ID: 29
  2. Inductive Learning For Abductive Diagnosis
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    Cynthia A. Thompson
    Masters Thesis, Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, August 1993. 53 pages.
    A new system for learning by induction, called LAB, is presented. LAB (Learning for ABduction) learns abductive rules based on a set of training examples. Our goal is to find a small knowledge base which, when used abductively, diagnoses the training examples correctly, in addition to generalizing well to unseen examples. This is in contrast to past systems, which inductively learn rules which are used deductively. Abduction is particularly well suited to diagnosis, in which we are given a set of symptoms (manifestations) and we want our output to be a set of disorders which explain why the manifestations are present. Each training example is associated with potentially multiple categories, instead of one, which is the case with typical learning systems. Building the knowledge base requires a choice between multiple possibilities, and the number of possibilities grows exponentially with the number of training examples. One method of choosing the best knowledge base is described and implemented. The final system is experimentally evaluated, using data from the domain of diagnosing brain damage due to stroke. It is compared to other learning systems and a knowledge base produced by an expert. The results are promising: the rule base learned is simpler than the expert knowledge base and rules learned by one of the other systems, and the accuracy of the learned rule base in predicting which areas are damaged is better than all the other systems as well as the expert knowledge base.
    ML ID: 28
  3. Combining FOIL and EBG to Speed-Up Logic Programs
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    John M. Zelle and Raymond J. Mooney
    In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1106-1111, 1993. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
    This paper presents an algorithm that combines traditional EBL techniques and recent developments in inductive logic programming to learn effective clause selection rules for Prolog programs. When these control rules are incorporated into the original program, significant speed-up may be achieved. The algorithm is shown to be an improvement over competing EBL approaches in several domains. Additionally, the algorithm is capable of automatically transforming some intractable algorithms into ones that run in polynomial time.
    ML ID: 27
  4. Symbolic Revision of Theories With M-of-N Rules
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    Paul T. Baffes and Raymond J. Mooney
    In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-93), 1135-1140, Chambery, France, August 1993.
    This paper presents a major revision of the EITHER propositional theory refinement system. Two issues are discussed. First, we show how run time efficiency can be greatly improved by changing from a exhaustive scheme for computing repairs to an iterative greedy method. Second, we show how to extend EITHER to refine M-of-N rules. The resulting algorithm, NEITHER (New EITHER), is more than an order of magnitude faster and produces significantly more accurate results with theories that fit the M-of-N format. To demonstrate the advantages of NEITHER, we present preliminary experimental results comparing it to EITHER and various other systems on refining the DNA promoter domain theory.
    ML ID: 26
  5. Learning Semantic Grammars With Constructive Inductive Logic Programming
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    John M. Zelle and Raymond J. Mooney
    In Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 817-822, 1993. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press.
    Automating the construction of semantic grammars is a difficult and interesting problem for machine learning. This paper shows how the semantic-grammar acquisition problem can be viewed as the learning of search-control heuristics in a logic program. Appropriate control rules are learned using a new first-order induction algorithm that automatically invents useful syntactic and semantic categories. Empirical results show that the learned parsers generalize well to novel sentences and out-perform previous approaches based on connectionist techniques.
    ML ID: 25
  6. Learning to Model Students: Using Theory Refinement to Detect Misconceptions
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    Paul T. Baffes
    June 1993. Ph.D. proposal, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin.
    A new student modeling system called ASSERT is described which uses domain independent learning algorithms to model unique student errors and to automatically construct bug libraries. ASSERT consists of two learning phases. The first is an application of theory refinement techniques for constructing student models from a correct theory of the domain being tutored. The second learning cycle automatically constructs the bug library by extracting common refinements from multiple student models which are then used to bias future modeling efforts. Initial experimental data will be presented which suggests that ASSERT is a more effective modeling system than other induction techniques previously explored for student modeling, and that the automatic bug library construction significantly enhances subsequent modeling efforts.
    ML ID: 24
  7. Combining Connectionist and Symbolic Learning to Refine Certainty-Factor Rule-Bases
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    J. Jeffrey Mahoney and Raymond J. Mooney
    Connection Science:339-364, 1993.
    This paper describes Rapture --- a system for revising probabilistic knowledge bases that combines connectionist and symbolic learning methods. Rapture uses a modified version of backpropagation to refine the certainty factors of a Mycin-style rule base and it uses ID3's information gain heuristic to add new rules. Results on refining three actual expert knowledge bases demonstrate that this combined approach generally performs better than previous methods.
    ML ID: 23
  8. Integrating Theory and Data in Category Learning
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    Raymond J. Mooney
    In G. V. Nakamura and D. L. Medin and R. Taraban, editors, Categorization by Humans and Machines, 189-218, 1993.
    Recent results in both machine learning and cognitive psychology demonstrate that effective category learning involves an integration of theory and data. First, theories can bias induction, affecting what category definitions are extracted from a set of examples. Second, conflicting data can cause theories to be revised. Third, theories can alter the representation of data through feature formation. This chapter reviews two machine learning systems that attempt to integrate theory and data in one or more of these ways. IOU uses a domain theory to acquire part of a concept definition and to focus induction on the unexplained aspects of the data. EITHER uses data to revise an imperfect theory and uses theory to add abstract features to the data. Recent psychological experiments reveal that these machine learning systems exhibit several important aspects of human category learning. Specifically, IOU has been used to successfully model some recent experimental results on the effect of functional knowledge on category learning.
    ML ID: 22
  9. Learning Search-Control Heuristics for Logic Programs: Applications to Speedup Learning and Language Acquisition
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    John M. Zelle
    March 1993. Ph.D. proposal, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin.
    This paper presents a general framework, learning search-control heuristics for logic programs, which can be used to improve both the efficiency and accuracy of knowledge-based systems expressed as definite-clause logic programs. The approach combines techniques of explanation-based learning and recent advances in inductive logic programming to learn clause-selection heuristics that guide program execution. Two specific applications of this framework are detailed: dynamic optimization of Prolog programs (improving efficiency) and natural language acquisition (improving accuracy). In the area of program optimization, a prototype system, DOLPHIN, is able to transform some intractable specifications into polynomial-time algorithms, and outperforms competing approaches in several benchmark speedup domains. A prototype language acquisition system, CHILL, is also described. It is capable of automatically acquiring semantic grammars, which uniformly incorprate syntactic and semantic constraints to parse sentences into case-role representations. Initial experiments show that this approach is able to construct accurate parsers which generalize well to novel sentences and significantly outperform previous approaches to learning case-role mapping based on connectionist techniques. Planned extensions of the general framework and the specific applications as well as plans for further evaluation are also discussed.
    ML ID: 21
  10. Induction Over the Unexplained: Using Overly-General Domain Theories to Aid Concept Learning
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    Raymond J. Mooney
    Machine Learning, 10:79-110, 1993.
    This paper describes and evaluates an approach to combining empirical and explanation-based learning called Induction Over the Unexplained (IOU). IOU is intended for learning concepts that can be partially explained by an overly-general domain theory. An eclectic evaluation of the method is presented which includes results from all three major approaches: empirical, theoretical, and psychological. Empirical results shows that IOU is effective at refining overly-general domain theories and that it learns more accurate concepts from fewer examples than a purely empirical approach. The application of theoretical results from PAC learnability theory explains why IOU requires fewer examples. IOU is also shown to be able to model psychological data demonstrating the effect of background knowledge on human learning.
    ML ID: 20