
Kristen Grauman

Department of Computer Science
University of Texas at Austin

CV         Publications         Code           Data        Bio         Press

I am a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin, where I lead the UT-Austin Computer Vision Group.  I was elected to the Academy of Distinguished Teachers at UT Austin in 2017.  I received my Ph.D. from MIT in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in 2006. 

ML@UT: UT Austin has broad and deep expertise in machine learning and artificial intelligence, spanned by groups across several departments on campus.  In Fall 2020, UT Austin was selected as the home of a $20M NSF AI Institute focused on machine learning.


Excited to announce the launch of Ego-Exo4D, a collaboration between 15 universities and Meta.  Ego-Exo4D provides a large-scale multi-view, time-synchronized video dataset focused on skilled human activities, together with unprecedented multimodal egocentric sensing, and a suite of benchmarks that aim to advance research on AI understanding of human skill.  Read overview and more in our CVPR 2024 paper.  Data is here

My research interests are in computer vision and machine learning.  In general, the goal of computer vision is to develop the algorithms and representations that will allow a computer to autonomously analyze visual information. 

My primary interests are video, multimodal perception, embodied AI (vision for robotics, perception for action), and

visual recognition.

Recent and ongoing projects in the group consider first-person "egocentric" computer vision, navigation and exploration in 3D spaces, audio-visual learning from video, activity recognition, affordance models from video, vision for fashion (forecasting, styles, trends, recommendation, attributes), and video summarization.
Publications page with links to code, slides, and project pages.  Or, sorted [by year]  [by topic].

Code download page (see per paper project pages for latest)
Datasets download page
Student theses

Graduate Students
Priyanka Mandikal
Sagnik Majumder
Ashutosh Kumar
Sherry Xue
Romy Luo
Arjun Somayazulu
Joungbin An
Jiu Feng
Daniel Adebi

Visitors and Postdocs Ziad Al-Halah, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2019-2022.  Now Assistant Professor at University of Utah.
Devi Parikh Visiting Research Fellow, 2010-2011 Now Associate Professor at Georgia Tech
Lu Zheng  Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2012-2013Now Assistant Professor at City University of Hong Kong
Boqing Gong, Visiting PhD student from Prof. Fei Sha's lab at USC, 2012.  Assistant Professor at University of Central Florida.  Now at Google Research
Hao Jiang, Visiting Professor from Boston College, 2015-2016.
Antonino Furnari, Visiting PhD student from Prof. Giovanni Maria Farinella's lab at Univ. of Catania, 2016.
Ziad Al-Halah, Visiting PhD student from Prof. Stiefelhagen's lab at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2016.

Danna Gurari, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2015-2017.  Now Assistant Professor at University of Colorado Boulder

Graduated Students Sudheendra Vijayanarasimhan Ph.D. (2011), Bert Kay Dissertation Award from the Dept of CS.  Now at Google Research.
Yong Jae Lee Ph.D. (2012) Postdoctoral Associate at UC-Berkeley.  Assistant Professor at UC-Davis and now Associate Professor at UW-Madison.
Jeff Donahue, B.S., Turing Scholars Honors Thesis (2011).  Ph.D. student at UC-Berkeley.  Now at DeepMind.
Andy Luong, B.S., Turing Scholars Honors Thesis (2011), Best Undergraduate Thesis Award.   Now at Microsoft.
Lucy Liang, B.S., Turing Scholars Honors Thesis (2012), Best Undergraduate Thesis Award.  Now at Microsoft.
Nona Sirakova, B.S.,
Turing Scholars Honors Thesis (2013).  Now at University of Washington.
Tomas McCandless, B.S.
Turing Scholars Honors Thesis (2013).
Sunil Bandla, M.S. (2013) Now at Microsoft.
Jaechul Kim Ph.D. (2013).  Now at Amazon Research.
Sung Ju Hwang  Ph.D. (2013).  Now Assistant Professor at KAIST.
Adriana Kovashka, Ph.D. (2014).  Now Assistant Professor at University of Pittsburgh.
Chao-Yeh Chen, Ph.D. (2016).  Now at Google.
Suyog Jain, Ph.D. (2017).  Now at PathAI.
Josh Kelle, M.S. (2017).  Now at Pinterest.
Steven Chen, B.S., Turing Scholars Honors Thesis (2017).  Now a Masters student at Stanford University.

Evonne Ng, B.S., Turing Scholars Honors Thesis (2019).  Now a PhD student at UC Berkeley.
Saket Sadani, B.S., Turing Scholars Honors Thesis (2019). 
Andrew Li, B.S., Turing Scholars Honors Thesis (2019).  Now at Google.
Dinesh Jayaraman, Ph.D. (2017).  Samsung Ph.D. Fellowship Postdoc at UC-Berkeley. Now Assistant Professor at UPenn.
Aron Yu Ph.D. (2019).  Now at Home Depot AI.
Bo Xiong Ph.D. (2019).  Now at Facebook AI Research.
Yu-Chuan Su,Ph.D. (2019).  Google PhD Fellowship in 2017.  Now at Google Research.
Ruohan Gao Ph.D. (2021).  Now a postdoc at Stanford --> Assistant Professor at UMD.
Kimberly (Wei-Lin) Hsiao Ph.D. (2021)  Now at Amazon.
Rishabh Garg, MS (2021)  Now at Amazon.

Tushar Nagarajan, Ph.D (2022) Now at FAIR
Santhosh Ramakrishnan, Ph.D. (2023) Now at Apple 

Changan Chen, Ph.D. (2024) Now at Stanford University

Professional Service Associate Editor-in-Chief: PAMI
Program Chair: CVPR 2015
Program Chair: NIPS 2018
Program Chair: ICCV 2023
Editorial Board: IJCV
Area Chair: CVPR 2009, ICCV 2009, ICCV 2011, ECCV 2012, ACCV 2012, NIPS 2012, CVPR 2013, ICCV 2013, ECCV 2014, ICML 2015, ICML 2016, ECCV 2016, ICCV 2017, ECCV 2018, CVPR 2019, CVPR 2020
Senior Area Chair: NIPS 2017, ICML 2019, NeurIPS 2020

Program Committee / Reviewer: CVPR 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016; ICCV 2007, 2015; ECCV 2008, 2010; NIPS 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
, 2015, AAAI 2011, 2014, SIGGRAPH 2014, 2017

CS 376: Computer Vision (Spring 2018)
CS 381V: Visual Recognition (Fall 2017) -- a Diversity course for CS PhD students
CS 378H: Honors Machine Learning and Vision (Spring 2017)
CS 381V: Visual Recognition (Fall 2016)
-- a Diversity course for CS PhD students
CS 381V: Visual Recognition (Spring 2016) -- a Diversity course for CS PhD students
CS 378H: Honors Machine Learning and Vision (Fall 2015)
CS 343H: Honors Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2014)
Short Course / Tutorial on Attributes at CVPR 2013

CS395T Visual Recognition (Fall 2012)  -- a Diversity course for CS PhD students
CS 395T Visual Recognition (Fall 2011) -- a Diversity course for CS PhD students
CS 376: Computer Vision (Spring 2011)
CS 395T: (Special Topics in) Computer Vision : Object Recognition (Spring 2010)
CS 378: Computer Vision (Fall 2009)                
CS 395T: Visual Recognition and Search (Spring 2009)
CS 378: Computer Vision (Fall 2008)
AAAI 2008 Tutorial on Visual Recognition, co-taught with Bastian Leibe (July 2008) 
CS 395T: Visual Recognition and Search (Spring 2008)
CS 378 / 395T: Computer Vision (Fall 2007)
CS 395T: Object Recognition (Spring 2007)
Introduction to Computer Science, for the Women’s Technology Program (MIT, Summer 2005)

grauman, at sign, cs dot utexas dot edu (best way to contact me)
Campus office:
GDC 4.726 (south building)
Mailing address:
Department of Computer Science
University of Texas at Austin       
2317 Speedway
Austin, TX 78712-1757
Campus mail:
Mail code D9500

Current Funding
National Science Foundation
DARPA Lifelong Learning Machines

Note to prospective students If you are a prospective student interested in computer vision research at UT-Austin, please read about our graduate admissions process.  It is not necessary to contact me.  Unfortunately, I am not able to respond to emails about applications to our graduate program.  If you are applying to the CS department and are interested in my research group, please state this in your statement of purpose.

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