

A Pure Indistinguishability Obfuscation Approach to Adaptively-Sound SNARGs for NPPDFVideoGitHub

Brent Waters and David J. Wu

Monotone Policy BARGs from BARGs and Additively Homomorphic EncryptionPDFVideoGitHub

Shafik Nassar, Brent Waters, and David J. Wu

Batch Arguments to NIZKs from One-Way FunctionsPDFVideoGitHub

Eli Bradley, Brent Waters, and David J. Wu

Conference, Journal, and Workshop Publications

Respire: High-Rate PIR for Databases with Small RecordsPDFVideoGitHub

Alexander Burton, Samir Jordan Menon, and David J. Wu
CCS 2024

Dot-Product Proofs and Their ApplicationsPDFVideoGitHub

Nir Bitansky, Prahladh Harsha, Yuval Ishai, Ron D. Rothblum, and David J. Wu
FOCS 2024

Reducing the CRS Size in Registered ABE SystemsPDFVideoGitHub

Rachit Garg, George Lu, Brent Waters, and David J. Wu
Crypto 2024

The One-Wayness of Jacobi SignaturesPDFVideoGitHub

Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and David J. Wu
Crypto 2024

YPIR: High-Throughput Single-Server PIR with Silent PreprocessingPDFVideoGitHub

Samir Jordan Menon and David J. Wu
USENIX Security 2024

Adaptively-Sound Succinct Arguments for NP from Indistinguishability ObfuscationPDFVideoGitHub

Brent Waters and David J. Wu
STOC 2024

Succinct Functional Commitments for Circuits from k-LinPDFVideoGitHub

Hoeteck Wee and David J. Wu
Eurocrypt 2024

Lattice-Based Functional Commitments: Fast Verification and CryptanalysisPDFVideoGitHub

Hoeteck Wee and David J. Wu
Asiacrypt 2023

Realizing Flexible Broadcast Encryption: How to Broadcast to a Public-Key DirectoryPDFVideoGitHub

Rachit Garg, George Lu, Brent Waters, and David J. Wu
CCS 2023

How to Use (Plain) Witness Encryption: Registered ABE, Flexible Broadcast, and MorePDFVideoGitHub

Cody Freitag, Brent Waters, and David J. Wu
Crypto 2023

Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge from Non-Interactive Batch ArgumentsPDFVideoGitHub

Jeffrey Champion and David J. Wu
Crypto 2023

Authenticated Private Information RetrievalPDFVideoGitHub

Simone Colombo, Kirill Nikitin, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, David J. Wu, and Bryan Ford
USENIX Security 2023

Succinct Vector, Polynomial, and Functional Commitments from LatticesPDFVideoGitHub

Hoeteck Wee and David J. Wu
Eurocrypt 2023

Registered Attribute-Based EncryptionPDFVideoGitHub

Susan Hohenberger, George Lu, Brent Waters, and David J. Wu
Eurocrypt 2023

Multi-Authority ABE from Lattices without Random OraclesPDFVideoGitHub

Brent Waters, Hoeteck Wee, and David J. Wu
TCC 2022

Fully Succinct Batch Arguments for NP from Indistinguishability ObfuscationPDFVideoGitHub

Rachit Garg, Kristin Sheridan, Brent Waters, and David J. Wu
TCC 2022

Batch Arguments for NP and More from Standard Bilinear Group AssumptionsPDFVideoGitHub

Brent Waters and David J. Wu
Crypto 2022
Best Paper AwardInvited to Journal of Cryptology

Spiral: Fast, High-Rate Single-Server PIR via FHE CompositionPDFVideoGitHub

Samir Jordan Menon and David J. Wu
Oakland 2022

Traceable PRFs: Full Collusion Resistance and Active SecurityPDFVideoGitHub

Sarasij Maitra and David J. Wu
PKC 2022
Invited to Journal of Cryptology

Beyond Software Watermarking: Traitor-Tracing for Pseudorandom FunctionsPDFVideoGitHub

Rishab Goyal, Sam Kim, Brent Waters, and David J. Wu
Asiacrypt 2021

Shorter and Faster Post-Quantum Designated-Verifier zkSNARKs from LatticesPDFVideoGitHub

Yuval Ishai, Hang Su, and David J. Wu
CCS 2021

CryptGPU: Fast Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning on the GPUPDFVideoGitHub

Sijun Tan, Brian Knott, Yuan Tian, and David J. Wu
Oakland 2021

Avoiding Genetic Racial Profiling in Criminal DNA Profile DatabasesPDFVideoGitHub

Jacob A. Blindenbach, Karthik A. Jagadeesh, Gill Bejerano, and David J. Wu
Nature Computational Science 2021

Collusion Resistant Trace-and-Revoke for Arbitrary Identities from Standard AssumptionsPDFVideoGitHub

Sam Kim and David J. Wu
Asiacrypt 2020

On Succinct Arguments and Witness Encryption from GroupsPDFVideoGitHub

Ohad Barta, Yuval Ishai, Rafail Ostrovsky, and David J. Wu
Crypto 2020

Can Verifiable Delay Functions be Based on Random Oracles?PDFVideoGitHub

Mohammad Mahmoody, Caleb Smith, and David J. Wu
ICALP 2020

New Constructions of Statistical NIZKs: Dual-Mode DV-NIZKs and MorePDFVideoGitHub

Benoît Libert, Alain Passelègue, Hoeteck Wee, and David J. Wu
Eurocrypt 2020

New Constructions of Reusable Designated-Verifier NIZKsPDFVideoGitHub

Alex Lombardi, Willy Quach, Ron D. Rothblum, Daniel Wichs, and David J. Wu
Crypto 2019

Watermarking PRFs from Lattices: Stronger Security via Extractable PRFsPDFVideoGitHub

Sam Kim and David J. Wu
Crypto 2019

Watermarking Public-Key Cryptographic PrimitivesPDFVideoGitHub

Rishab Goyal, Sam Kim, Nathan Manohar, Brent Waters, and David J. Wu
Crypto 2019

Exploring Crypto Dark Matter: New Simple PRF Candidates and Their ApplicationsPDFVideoGitHub

Dan Boneh, Yuval Ishai, Alain Passelègue, Amit Sahai, and David J. Wu
TCC 2018

Function-Hiding Inner Product Encryption is PracticalPDFVideoGitHub

Sam Kim, Kevin Lewi, Avradip Mandal, Hart Montgomery, Arnab Roy, and David J. Wu
SCN 2018

Multi-Theorem Preprocessing NIZKs from LatticesPDFVideoGitHub

Sam Kim and David J. Wu
Crypto 2018
Journal of Cryptology 2020
Best Young-Researcher Paper AwardInvited to Journal of Cryptology

Quasi-Optimal SNARGs via Linear Multi-Prover Interactive ProofsPDFVideoGitHub

Dan Boneh, Yuval Ishai, Amit Sahai, and David J. Wu
Eurocrypt 2018

Secure Genome-Wide Association Analysis using Multiparty ComputationPDFVideoGitHub

Hyunghoon Cho, David J. Wu, and Bonnie Berger
Nature Biotechnology 2018

Access Control Encryption for General Policies from Standard AssumptionsPDFVideoGitHub

Sam Kim and David J. Wu
Asiacrypt 2017

Constrained Keys for Invertible Pseudorandom FunctionsPDFSlidesGitHub

Dan Boneh, Sam Kim, and David J. Wu
TCC 2017

Watermarking Cryptographic Functionalities from Standard Lattice AssumptionsPDFVideoGitHub

Sam Kim and David J. Wu
Crypto 2017
Journal of Cryptology 2021
Best Young-Researcher Paper AwardInvited to Journal of Cryptology

Deriving Genomic Diagnoses Without Revealing Patient GenomesPDFVideoGitHub

Karthik A. Jagadeesh, David J. Wu, Johannes A. Birgmeier, Dan Boneh, and Gill Bejerano
Science 2017

Quantum Operating SystemsPDFVideoGitHub

Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, David J. Wu, and Dan Boneh
HotOS 2017

Lattice-Based SNARGs and Their Application to More Efficient ObfuscationPDFVideoGitHub

Dan Boneh, Yuval Ishai, Amit Sahai, and David J. Wu
Eurocrypt 2017

Functional Encryption: Deterministic to Randomized Functions from Simple AssumptionsPDFVideoGitHub

Shashank Agrawal and David J. Wu
Eurocrypt 2017

Constraining Pseudorandom Functions PrivatelyPDFVideoGitHub

Dan Boneh, Kevin Lewi, and David J. Wu
PKC 2017

Order-Revealing Encryption: New Constructions, Applications, and Lower BoundsPDFVideoGitHub

Kevin Lewi and David J. Wu
CCS 2016

Privacy, Discovery, and Authentication for the Internet of ThingsPDFSlidesGitHub

David J. Wu, Ankur Taly, Asim Shankar, and Dan Boneh
Outstanding Paper Award

Privately Evaluating Decision Trees and Random ForestsPDFVideoGitHub

David J. Wu, Tony Feng, Michael Naehrig, and Kristin Lauter
PETS 2016

Practical Order-Revealing Encryption with Limited LeakagePDFVideoGitHub

Nathan Chenette, Kevin Lewi, Stephen A. Weis, and David J. Wu
FSE 2016

Privacy-Preserving Shortest Path ComputationPDFSlidesGitHub

David J. Wu, Joe Zimmerman, Jérémy Planul, and John C. Mitchell
NDSS 2016

Private Database Queries using Somewhat Homomorphic EncryptionPDFSlidesCode

Dan Boneh, Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Frank Wang, and David J. Wu
ACNS 2013

Deep Learning with COTS HPC SystemsPDFVideoGitHub

Adam Coates, Brody Huval, Tao Wang, David J. Wu, Andrew Y. Ng, and Bryan Catanzaro
ICML 2013

End-to-End Text Recognition with Convolutional Neural NetworksPDFVideoCode

Tao Wang, David J. Wu, Adam Coates, and Andrew Y. Ng
ICPR 2012

Text Detection and Character Recognition in Scene Images with Unsupervised Feature LearningPDFVideoGitHub

Adam Coates, Blake Carpenter, Carl Case, Sanjeev Satheesh, Bipin Suresh, Tao Wang, David J. Wu, and Andrew Y. Ng
ICDAR 2011
Best Student Paper Award


Lattice-Based Non-Interactive Argument SystemsPDFSlidesGitHub

PhD Thesis (2018)
Stanford Computer Science
Advised by Professor Dan Boneh

End-to-End Text Recognition with Convolutional Neural NetworksPDFVideoGitHub

Undergraduate Thesis (2012)
Stanford Computer Science
Advised by Professor Andrew Y. Ng

Technical Reports

Keeping Patient Phenotypes and Genotypes Private while Seeking Disease DiagnosesPDFVideoGitHub

Karthik A. Jagadeesh, David J. Wu, Johannes A. Birgmeier, Dan Boneh, and Gill Bejerano

Immunizing Multilinear Maps Against Zeroizing AttacksPDFVideoGitHub

Dan Boneh, David J. Wu, and Joe Zimmerman

Using Homomorphic Encryption for Large Scale Statistical AnalysisPDFVideoGitHub

David J. Wu and Jacob Haven

Other Articles

Fully Homomorphic Encryption: Cryptography's Holy GrailPDFVideoGitHub

David J. Wu