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Faculty Research Gifts

Faculty Research Gifts

01/25/2012 - UTCS is a leading research institution in computer science. Collaborations with industry and industry support ensure superior research continues to move the Texas digital economy forward.

Research Corner: Gates Building Prediction Market

Research Corner: Gates Building Prediction Market

01/25/2012 - Prediction markets are popular for aggregating opinions regarding the likelihood of future events by enabling people to buy and sell "shares" that indicate whether or not they think the event will happen. There has been some evidence that the market prices are reasonably accurate predictors of whether those events will actually happen.

CRA Honors Two UTCS Students

12/02/2011 - UTCS undergraduate students Ben Braun and Victor Vu have been selected for Honorable Mention in the Computing Research Association's Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award competition for 2012.

New Center for Cloud Computing Will Impact Mobile Computing and Internet Security

11/18/2011 - AUSTIN, Texas — As part of its research efforts to help create safer and faster computing, the Department of Computer Science at The University of Texas at Austin has partnered with SunGard Availability Services to improve emerging cloud-based technologies through a new center for cloud computing research.

Brent Waters Wins Packard Fellowship

11/14/2011 - Brent Waters has won a Packard Fellowship. Only sixteen Packard Fellowships were awarded this year across all of science and engineering.

Kristen Grauman Awarded The Marr Prize

11/11/2011 - UTCS Assistant Professor Kristen Grauman and Devi Parikh of the Toyota Technological Institute Chicago (TTIC), and a former visiting postdoc, received the Marr Prize at ICCV for their paper "Relative Attributes" that was presented at the13th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) in 2011.