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Alex Huth (left) and Simon Peter (right)
Professors Alex Huth and Simon Peter have been awarded Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowships for 2018. Read More
Hovav Shacham (left) and Qiang Liu (right)
We are delighted to welcome two new faculty to UT Computer Science in 2018. Read More
Jayadev Misra teaching class in front of white board and gesturing with his hand.
Jayadev Misra, Schlumberger Centennial Chair Emeritus in Computer Science and University Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, has been elected to join the National Academy of Engineering for his research in software verification of concurrent systems. Read More
We are deeply saddened by the loss of Professor Emeritus and UT Computer Science founding member James C. Browne, who passed away on Friday, January 19 at age 83. In addition to teaching computer science, Browne was one of the first faculty members of the Department of Computer Science, which was founded in 1966, and also served as the department’s chairman for several years. Read More
On January 23, 2018, UTCS faculty (and spouses) Robert van de Geijn and Maggie Myers will kick off the seventh run of their 16 week MOOCs (Massively Open Online Course) on linear algebra from a computer science perspective called Linear Algebra - Foundations to Frontiers (LAFF). The course is self-paced with a suggested calendar but everything is due by the close of the course on May 31. Read More
The Turing Scholars program is an academic honors program within UTCS directed by professor Calvin Lin, who established the program in 2006. Turing Scholars consists of about 200 UTCS students and accepts about 50 freshmen per year, creating a tight-knit community focused on research and academic challenges. The program culminates in an honors thesis during the students' senior year. Read More
Ashlie Martinez
Undergraduate student Ashlie Martinez has been selected as an awardee of the 2018 Computing Research Association's (CRA) Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award. Ashlie is a senior in the Turing Scholars Honors program in UT Computer Science. Read More
Robotics Consortium
UT recently launched the Robotics Consortium, a group that brings together researchers from industry and across campus to collaborate on robotics research. Read More
Starting this fall, UT and industry will work together to further innovation in the field of computer systems research through a program called the Systems Research Consortium, launched by the UT Department of Computer Science. Read More
Professor Peter Stone has been named a 2018 IEEE Fellow. He is being recognized for his contributions to reinforcement learning, multiagent systems and robotics. Each year, IEEE, or the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, chooses from among nominated IEEE members from around the world for the distinction of Fellow Grade. Out of IEEE’s over 423,000 members, less than 10,000 are fellows. Read More