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Graduate Students

UTCS Graduate Student Wins Distinguished Paper Award

09/06/2017 - UTCS graduate student Ashay Rane, in collaboration with colleagues from Microsoft Research, University of Michigan, Carnegie Mellon University and Cornell University, won a Distinguished Paper Award at the 26th Usenix Security Symposium last month for their paper "Vale: Verifying High-Performance Cryptographic Assembly Code."

Robocup Victory for UT

08/15/2017 - Team UT Austin Villa won 3rd place in the Robocup@home competition, in the Domestic Standard Platform League. Other US institutions participating in this league include: UC San Diego, Northeastern, and Berkeley. Three of these teams qualified to compete in Japan (UT Austin, UCSD and Northeastern).

Professor Calvin Lin and Akanksha Jain Win Cache Replacement Competition

07/03/2017 - Professor Calvin Lin and grad student Akanksha Jain won the 2nd Cache Replacement Competition, which was held recently in conjunction with the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA). The goal for this competition was to compare different cache replacement algorithms for a last level cache in a common framework.

Yu-Chuan Su Awarded Google Ph.D. Fellowship

04/12/2017 - UT Computer Science graduate student Yu-Chuan Su has been awarded a 2017 Google Ph.D. Fellowship in Machine Perception. He is one of 33 recipients from North America, Europe and the Middle East.

Computer science department grows Austin economy

03/03/2017 - From The Daily Texan— “The (computer science) department as a whole produces a lot of local talent in students, who are trained with a really good education, and that’s what’s powering the local tech economy,” Porter said.

UT Austin Villa Wins at 2016 World RoboCup

07/07/2016 - The UT Austin Villa robot soccer team, led by University of Texas at Austin computer science professor Peter Stone, returned from the 2016 RoboCup competition in Leipzig, Germany as the world champions in the 3D Simulation league and with an impressive second-place win in the Standard Platform League (SPL).

2016 UTCS Ph.D. Hooding Ceremony

06/29/2016 - UTCS honored new Ph.D. graduates at its annual hooding ceremony on Friday, May 20. Each new graduate received a short testimonial from his or her graduate research advisor. The new doctors were then hooded by UTCS Chair Bruce Porter. Afterwards, a reception was held for graduates, faculty, friends and family. Click the button below to view high resolution copies of the photo gallery images on this page. We invite you to also upload pictures you have from the event. View the 2016 Ph.D. Hooding Ceremony Video!